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516 photos
Day 680
On the plot #portrait #outdoors #nature #50mm #evening #landscape #wood #dog #tuesday #animal #tree #park #grass #people #sunset #bokeh #one #can...
Day 671
the exact filling i have with my gear lately. every 2 or 3 days something is happening ... something breaks ... not so lucky lately .. don'...
Day 49
Uwielbiam stare obiektywy! Dzięki nim można zatrzymać współczesny świat i spojrzeć na niego nieco inaczej :) I love the old lenses! With it you ca...
#october #afternoon #office #vsco #50mm #sunday #city #sun #reflection #urban #sky #steel #window #poznan #architecture #building #technology...
Just me
I'm currently designing a website for my own company and I needed a pic to the 'about' section. So bam, here it is. #portrait #friday #vsco #5...
Day 33
Zdjęcie wykonane w spartańskich warunkach, ale mimo wszystko jestem z niego całkiem zadowolony. Picture taken in spartan conditions, but neverthe...
Day 206
Bus ride
Late bus ride. I've actually been pretty scared to shoot on a bus, you can always expect a drunk hooligan to enter the bus - especially late...
Day 720
Those crazy eyes.. their reflection.. the halo.. the light.. love it! #indoors #portrait #nature #friday #afternoon #50mm #light #cat #animal #re...
Gimme some bread
I took my tripods and lamps with me and tried to make small session with Nela. It wasn't easy, but fortunately we had some bread that...
Day 64
#woods #nature #afternoon #nikon #50mm #wood #sunday #light #dark #color #lights #sun #blue #sky #lens-flare #grass #sunset #darkness #sunlight...
Black and white
First - all the best for you dear ladies! Second - Magda asked me once again about photo-session. This is not what she expected, but f...
Day 68
Dzisiaj dorwałem po raz pierwszy pierścienie pośrednie :D O to efekty zabawy :D Today I caught the first intermediate rings :D That's fun effec...
Because my phone is in "replacement" process, I had to take out my Canon and figure out something for today. No additional lamps used here :) #aft...
My favourite tool, beside light, which allowed me to take better photos. I know, gear isn't everything, but I'm just a sucker for bokeh ;) #thur...
Staying in BW territory. Today I won "New" Zenit! Took it in a rush. Need to go now. #afternoon #camera #50mm #sunday #white #bw #black #techno...
My long walks are less and less effective. #afternoon #saturday #50mm #black-and-white #city #urban #sky #clouds #windows #architecture #build...
Day 169
Since I came home from work pretty late I decided that for today's photo I will play a little with my lamp. As far as the lighting is concerne...
Day 1
#indoors #friday #afternoon #50mm #light #day #people #hair #woman #puzzle #child #chillout #childhood #december #agata #adult #puzzles #bear...
My beauty
I wanted to test my polarizing filter, but it's still cloudy outside, so the best solution was to take a portrait in glasses. It works! :P #...
Day 24
Szybkie zdjęcie podczas spaceru. :) Quick Shot while walking. :) #night #nikon #50mm #light #dark #tuesday #lights #yellow #bokeh #manual #lens...
Day 224
Practice of Magic #1
Wow, it fly diagonally! #friday #camera #nikon #50mm #evening #black #blue #people #hand #magic #practice #levitation #gravity #m...
Day 465
Little visitor 
little model hehe.. didn't move at all #50mm #evening #tuesday #animal #fly #insect #cool #april #freelensing #beetle #arthropod #dung...
Baltic Tower once again (previous: #afternoon #office #saturday #50mm #downtown #baltic #city #urban #glass...
Day 74
Darkness Coming
#forest #nature #afternoon #nikon #50mm #light #dark #wednesday #shadows #grass #plant #shadow #darkness #manual #bamboo #manual-focus...