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336 photos
Day 3,135
Pen #3/Notebooks #9
A busy busy day&night. #pen #write #thing #things #desk #backlight #notebook #calendar #night
Day 2,938
Planning. #planning #trip #travel #flat-lay #desktop #calendar #passport #paper #papers #thing #things
Day 1,574
#calendar #spring #paper #work #wall #decoration
Day 1,155
1155. March
New month is coming #march #calendar #flowers #olympus
Day 1,136
Nie tak dawno stwierdziłam, że nie mam kalendarza na ścianę... poszłam poszukiwać, najlepiej trójdzielny z jednym obrazkiem. Nie było. Ogl...
Day 1,314
To plan!
... i znowu planner z kotami. #cat #lifeplanner #calendar
Day 1,252
#theme-letters #november #calendar
Day 995
995. September
September is almost done ;) #theme-goodbye-summer #september #calendar #autumn-is-comming
Day 1,559
Months #28
So many things to do, so little time. #bydgoszcz #time #calendar #draw #drawing #makrum #months #time #iskra
Day 49
Yup, it's May and it's starting to be shitty for aircraft engering company's so here we come. Time for relax during that Bank Holiday weekend at home...
Day 22
Nadal w domu
#calendar #quarantine #home #anotherday
Day 1,522
Months #27
Last year I wrote that March is always good, but this time there was no vacation for me. On the left there is a pic by Michał Koszela www.f...
Day 1,490
Months #26
Sketching. #bydgoszcz #time #calendar #draw #drawing #months #theme-craft
Day 1,462
Months #25
A warm-up for my hands.. #bydgoszcz #time #calendar #draw #drawing #makrum #months
Day 947
Day 1,432
Months #24
Another year. #bydgoszcz #time #calendar #iskra #makrum #months
Day 1,403
Months #23/Makrum #58
Some colour Kodak. #months #calendar #time #makrum #analog #demolishing #colour
Day 1,376
Months #22/Makrum #41
Some analog stuff. #months #calendar #time #makrum #analog #demolishing #black-and-white
Day 1,340
Months #21
A lot of blue. #months #calendar #time #iskra #flowers
Day 1,310
Months #20
Time off. #time #holiday #months #calendar #summer #august #iskra #travel
Day 1,290
Months #19
At half of the month. :P #month #months #time #iskra #calendar #sunflower
Day 952
#panda #colors #calendar
Day 1,248
Months #18
Already summer. #time #calendar #months #bydgoszcz #nowa-huta #iskra #print
Day 1,217
Months #17
May was so intensive. #calendar #time #iskra #may #green #months #theme-habits