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43 photos
Day 317
Clydey Feet
Because I am absolutely exhausted after 3 straight nights of travelling 300km each night, today I didn't leave the house, except to eat lo...
Day 375
Balancing Act
Today was a work from home day, which means some time was able to be spent with the kitties outside in the backyard. All fun and games u...
Day 333
He's Watching
He knows what you're up to. Clyde does not approve. #indoors #portrait #afternoon #tuesday #cat #animal #window #grey #kitten #eye #desk...
Day 399
Please don't jump on me
5kg of kitty cat landing on you in bed is not the most fun thing in the world. Yesterday I worked from home, but have been so...
Day 395
Take me with you
Today I worked from home, which allowed me to open the suitcase, unpack, throw clothes in the washing machine, etc. I turn away for 5...
Day 417
My housemate insisted I pick this one for today. My Clydeycat is growing up. He's learned that he can jump up on the fence.....and there is an...
Day 499
Never wake a Sleeping Kitty...
Unless you're me where 5 seconds later you drop the phone you're using to take photos and the cat jumps a mile, glares...
Day 398
Say "Fleas!"
Was hanging out in the backyard with the kitties when I managed to grab this shot of Clydeycat. #portrait #thursday #october #nature #eve...
Day 259
I hadn't grabbed a photo for today, so decided to grab some shots of the kitties. Clydey has recently taken to attacking feet. He stayed still...
Day 350
Sorry everyone, after Milky Waying last night, getting home at midnight, getting up to go to work today, socialising................ Here is a p...
Day 351
New Phone Smell
Being the person who enjoys new things, I acquired myself an HTC u11 today. It seems a reasonably nice phone and the camera seems all...
Day 432
I'm gonna be a supermodel
Clydey always looks like he's posing for the camera. #portrait #night #wednesday #cat #animal #baby #november #grey #hair #k...
Day 261
Hello? Is it my turn yet?
The kitties want to play on the computer. Unfortunately no one can play on the computer when Clydey is sitting on it! #portr...
Day 268
Cheeky Cat
ClydeyCat is sticking his tongue out at me! :O #portrait #afternoon #sunday #little #cat #animal #hair #kitten #eye #fur #one #pet #adorabl...
Day 407
Poor Clydey. No privacy, even when he's sleeping. #portrait #october #saturday #evening #little #cat #animal #lazy #sleepy #baby #hair #monoc...
Day 429
Over there
It's always more fun on the OTHER side of the fence. 11 more sleeps where he can have this view. Well, 11 more sleeps for me. Probably 153...
Day 369
Cats are strange
From the "My cats are derps" files. We were playing with the tunnel and taking photos, and Clydey ends up making weird faces. Or mayb...
Day 421
Hi Ladies
Clydey Cat putting on his suavest moves for the lady cats of the neighbourhood. #portrait #nature #afternoon #saturday #little #cat #animal...
Day 345
Since I started dedicating some time each day to my photos, I actually have motivation to go out and get something for the day. Sure, so...
Day 383
Look up
I'm flying to Brisbane tomorrow and want to bring my drone, which means I have to discharge the batteries so I can take it on the plane. Of co...
Day 401
After an incredibly late night out milky waying last night, today was mostly spent in the sunshine in the backyard with the kitties. This was aft...
Day 495
Another day of photo shooting the cats. I haven't uploaded a Clydey photo for a while so I thought I might add one. :) He has a shiny new colla...
Day 419
Happy Birthday Kitties! For their first birthday I bought them a cat tower and unceremoniously placed Clyde at the top. About the only photo that...
Day 549
If I close my eyes...
I love this cat. He makes me laugh, gives me cuddles and purrs, sits beside me when I'm sick, and writes sternly worded verbal l...