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278 photos
Day 271
#portrait #thursday #night #kitchen #steam #electric #november #boiling-water #stovetop
Day 183
lights on the tree
#evening #wood #light #tuesday #brown #design #electric #november #texture #pattern #led #pipe #light-effect
Day 14
Fancy a ride?
Fancy a quick ride? Saw these electric scooters when I got out from CodeCamp Iasi. Right now, the weather is a bit cold for taking one f...
Day 88
Guitar Multi Effect
My Zoom G7.1ut #october #saturday #night #guitar #music #green #black #red #canon #metal #display #electric #silver #zoom #bw #but...
Day 135
autumn flight
#october #friday #afternoon #birds #electricity #art #electric #wire #lines
Day 138
I played electric guitar for my church for the first time yesterday. It was the first time that I played electric in front of people, so it w...
Day 64
Another piece of Soviet 'junk' I still have left. This one actually works and the waffles it makes are very tasty. Bound to bring back some nostalgic...
Day 263
Miniature Light Bulbs
I have a lot of miniature incandescent bulbs from pinball machines. This is the eighth photo I've taken in the past couple weeks...
Day 28
Lucky shot
A small storm started this afternoon and I decided to set up my camera near the window (I'm regretting not having a balcony of some sort)....
Day 37
The inside of a light bulb
Today I wanted to experiment! #evening #monday #electricity #fire #electric #flame #heat #danger #illustration #light-bulb...
Day 34
Look up #3
Quick shot taken with a phone, as I didn't have my camera with me, but I decided to upload it. I like the simplicity in it. #morning #bird...
Day 26
Cort KX5 "Katana"
Electric guitar ready for show ;P #thursday #guitar #music #evening #electricity #metal #instrument #electric #november #singing #ro...
Day 16
No time, no camera, just fast shot for streak. #night #guitar #monday #black #electric #november
Day 19
Tech comparision
My old traditional battery watch and smartwatch which requires charging every 3-4 days #october #night #desk #tuesday #watch #design...