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78 photos
Day 33
Fisheye 9mm f/8 lens is theoretically not usable in dark rooms... but when You set ISO 25600 and during development turn off Lightroom's noise...
Day 129
Re-union! How nice to see You at our after-riding beer, @kingaroo :) yet another day spent at work withour any riding, but I'm glad I arrived...
Day 106
Ballar by and with Luca
Łukasz (incognito) is the guy who makes longboards, and Ballar, his dancer, is one of those things I'd gladly find under chris...
Day 196
No problems for Pablo
It was Pablo's goodbye party, since he was leaving Poland after his "Erasmus" exchange programme has ended... and I don't have a...
Day 166
It was one of those nights at Michał's place when we were having fun playing Speedrunners and other games while using his projector and big,...
Day 63
Push or Die
Long live the Longboard Family (Pekiel Crew). If You also ride a longboard, I hereby invite You to our Polish challenge -