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600 photos
Day 401
My good friend Olivier, running for a seat in the local government.... #portrait #morn...
Day 400
Four hundredth photo :) #thursday #afternoon #bird #nyon #february #monochromatic
Day 399
The tree, again
Another cloudy day. #morning #lake #wednesday #tree #bw #nyon #february
Day 397
All aboard!
Just love taking photos in trains! #morning #monday #train #blue #nyon #february
Day 393
Five lights
Lights in the office...with a bit of help from my post-processing friends ;) #thursday #afternoon #lights #january #nyon
Day 392
Blue windows
Another quick photo. #afternoon #wednesday #blue #windows #architecture #january #nyon
Day 386
Moon rising
I'm finding it hard to spend more than just a few minutes a day on photos at the moment. #thursday #afternoon #moon #architecture #january...
Day 385
One of those days
...where you only get one shot in. #afternoon #wednesday #january #nyon #pylon
Day 380
Platform end #4 ...and camera test
Haven't done a platform end for a while. Taken with my new travel camera, an Olympus Stylus 1s. This kind of shot i...
Day 372
Night clouds
Shot on the way home. I'm surprised how well the clouds came out. #thursday #night #evening #clouds #january #nyon #st-cergue
Day 371
The tree...again
Busy day, so I'm glad I got this in at sunrise. #morning #lake #mountains #wednesday #tree #january #nyon
Day 370
Close-up #2
This guy flew so close I thought he was going to bump into me. #afternoon #bird #tuesday #flight #january #nyon #gull
Day 369
Off the train
One of the good things about having my office next to the train station is that I can run down when the light is good :) I'm glad I got...
Day 367
Polker dots
Grey rainy day....calls for a colourful umbrella #morning #saturday #color #umbrella #january #nyon
Day 357
Looking back
Really happy with the photobooks that just arrived. The print quality is awesome. Thanks Paweł and the team! Things I've learned this yea...
Day 353
Waiting for the train
Early this morning in thick fog. Things I've learned this year 19/30: The last five photos have all been taken with a hundred me...
Day 352
"All rising to a great place is by a winding stair"
I just opened a Christmas cracker and found this quotation from Francis Bacon. How appropriate :)...
Day 351
Watch out!
Today my small town received the newly elected federal minister in pomp and ceremony. Took quite a few photos, but this one is my favorite...
Day 350
This is Boby, a familiar – and smiling – face to those who pass through Nyon train station. Things I've learned this year 16/30: I can overcome m...
Day 349
Long day
Missed taking a photo while it was daylight, sigh. Things I learned this year 15/30: It gets dark early in the wintertime. #evening #tuesday...
Day 346
Swiss locomotive #3
Just one photo today. Things I've learned this year 12/30: Try subjects from different angles. #morning #saturday #train #red #dec...
Day 345
Outdoor stairs
Things I've learned this year 11/30: Take photos to please oneself, that's what counts in the end #friday #afternoon #stairs #bw #decem...
Day 343
Things I've learned this year 9/30: Somedays it's really hard to get a decent photo, but that's OK. #afternoon #roof #wednesday #december #ny...
Day 342
My brother
My dear brother, photo-shy, yet kind enough to let me post this. Things I've learned this year 8/30: Some photos are more personal than oth...