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2.8K photos
Day 3,382
#photography #school #colored-light #studio
Day 3,341
noisy art
Today was the cultural day at school. Our students had the choice between 4 different workshops (art, music, literature and video). I took t...
Day 3,222
bad weather, good mood!
Our likeable chaos group on the school trip to Vevey, Lots of art at Images Festival, a long train ride and a long boat trip (...
Day 364
Powrót do szkoły?
Nie, u nas na szczęście jeszcze tydzień wakacji. Ale córcia mi powiedziała, że pakuje się i w tym roku jedzie uczyć się w Hogwartcie...
Day 3,177
first day of the new school year
#drawing #sketching #school #pen #pencilcase #whale #everydaylife #teacher
Day 3,137
Today was the graduation ceremony at our school, where we said goodbye to the oldest classes. Admittedly, I am glad that I no longer have to...
Day 3,131
hiking the 'better' way
Take a few alpacas and donkeys and suddenly a school class tired of walking is up the mountain in no time! #alpaca #donkey #mo...
Day 3,094
The making of...
... a masterpiece! My student spent the whole lesson (90 minutes) on this one drawing. Despite of knowing that the challenge is to fi...
Day 3,045
new teacher 😂
#bird #raven #school #blackboard
Day 3,032
#school #1950s #architecture
Day 3,005
demonstration of additive color mixing #school #rgb #cmyk #colors #lamps #smiley
Day 848
Welcome school
This photo has a commemorative, sentimental meaning. A year ago I decided to document the first day of the school year and Hania. #scho...
Day 523
Pierwszoklasistka / First grader
Dziś super ważny dzień, pasowanie na ucznia! Oj, były nerwy i delikatny stres, odrobina tremy, ale wszystko udało się...
Day 480
Nowy etap / New stage
Dziś nowa rzeczywistość i nowy etap w naszym życiu. Hania idzie do szkoły! Postanowiłam co roku robić jej takie zdjęcie, właśnie...
Day 22
#22day #school #colours #sun #fun
Day 21
#school #home #twentyfirstcentury
Day 635
635. Sunny adventure
Today I started the adventure with a school of psychotherapy. I went on a trip to Krakow for the whole weekend :) It's so intense...
Day 1,361
Photo lesson nr. 2 - exposure time - with my pupils
taking pictures in our „inverted fly agaric“ #photography #long-exposure #kids #stuffed-animal #ar...
Day 1,052
Black and black
That is how I can see the school day... No photo time No time ... #time #notime #vignette #badpic #school
Day 1,116
Up #32
One thousand schools per millennium. #school #architecture #building #buildings #up #bydgoszcz #windows
Day 634
My mother's notebooks, 1986-1989
#old #notebooks #school #mother #80-lata #old-notebooks #attic
Day 648
Art school
#art #school #mytime
Day 121
While learning
#book #math #school #blackandwhite #theme-reading
Day 119
The doll
And the test will be next week... #setbook #theme-reading #book #school