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13 photos
Day 468
Zoomed red
A combination of & makes for an in camera effect. #morning #camera #ni...
Day 358
Zoomed pines
An in camera technique by using a slow shutter and zooming the lens in. #forest #trees #nature #afternoon #green #nikon #long-exposure #w...
Day 493
Fun with bnw & DE
I've been having fun with this weeks theme, it gives me the chance to experiment in Silver efex pro 2. This is my mannequin and drie...
Day 406
Panned dryer
Moving parts.... I just panned the camera on the tripod. #morning #nikon #tuesday #red #steel #wires #hair #heat #d800 #equipment #contai...
Day 144
Weaving a Scarf
Manali grandma hand-weaving a wool scarf. #friday #afternoon #vintage #retro #wood #soft #handmade #blue #detail #fashion #homemade #d...
Day 379
swiss precision
#morning #old #classic #retro #sunday #watch #instrument #technology #macro #lens #time #business #gear #antique #equipment #machinery...
Day 299
DYI Raku
Enjoyed an awesome day learning to construct & fire a DYI Raku Propane Kiln with local artist Jack Valentine (pictured). This photo shows the...
Day 285
Introduction to First Aid
Lifesaving technique #portrait #outdoors #afternoon #saturday #people #woman #boy #child #man #education #life #two #trainin...
Day 98
Ready & Waiting ... for the Kiln
Well actually my 16 inch tall sculpted lady has several more days of air drying before she will be ready for her firs...
Day 194
Obiektywowe fibonacci ?! :D hahaha
FX kontra DX - wiadomo Kto zostaje na "pokładzie"... ;) PS. ze szczególnymi pozdrowieniami dla A.Ch. :) Skupiłam si...
Day 5
Zjawa / Revenant
Kilka dni temu oglądałem z Natalią film Zjawa. Przypomniało mi to jak muzyka fajnie kształtuje nasze emocje, bo może je dowolnie zmie...
Day 18
Pełnoletność w projekcie 365 / 
Dzień 18 to tak jakby zezwolenie na krok dalej. Dziś ćwiczyłem techniki oświetlania przedmiotów i manualnego ustawiani...
Thai Roof Pattern
Orange and red roof of an ancient temple in Bangkok, Thailand. #afternoon #old #white #roof #house #tuesday #color #black #red #blue...