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12 photos
Day 2,357
Happy Birthday 2!
This was not an easy photoshoot. Also... #timeflies.
Day 201
it's the 200th pic on my Tookapic profile :o I don't feel so amazed as I did when (I'm bit stressed and busy l...
Day 2,021
Daily dose of cartoons. #timeflies
Day 100
so today I celebrate my 100th photo :D can't belive it passed so quickly :o just want to say big thank you @pawelkadysz for all work you put into...
Day 1,987
Step by step #2
Retake of #timeflies
Day 1,929
Playing with the kids on Sunday morning. The photo was taken almost 3 years after this one: Same place, diff...
Day 1,795
Showing him the world 2
Almost 3 years after the first pic. We're 2 days short. On September 9th 2016 I took a very similar photo:
Day 1,692
Little brother
I got the idea of reshooting - boys are same age in both of those pics. I did put them together and...
Day 1,657
One month
I'm honestly scared of how fast #timeflies. I know I'm saying this a lot, but it really messes with my head. Taken with #manual lens, on f/1...
Day 1,639
Two weeks
Almost two weeks passed. #timeflies
Day 146
Planowanie noworoczne
1/365. Planowanie, czyli coś co uwielbiam! Oczywiście po przejażdżce noworocznej, czyli naszej małej tradycji :) #planning #plan...
Day 107
Czas ucieka...
Uchwycić upływ czasu... bezcenne :) #indoors #october #nature #evening #wood #sunday #desk #water #glass #natura #leaf #flower #clock #...