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9 photos
Day 776
Far from ideal light this morning, but I'm happy with how this turned out. #morning #lake #landscape #long-exposure #tuesday #water #sea #tree...
Day 1,022
Yellow zebra
I've walked past this bench many times but today the low afternoon sun made it much more interesting. #october #afternoon #wednesday #gra...
Day 694
What to do. #selfie #thursday #outdoors #nature #afternoon #lake #mountains #landscape #water #sea #sky #day #people #november #europe #hor...
Day 700
Air temperature: 4 degrees. Water temperature: 6 degrees. After and I f...
Day 534
3 doors
I spotted these doors on Monday but I didn't have my tripod for what I was looking for. Returned this morning, inspired by Kevin's scary hands...
Day 845
Well maybe not. That said you might turn into an ice-cube swimming out to it ;) #afternoon #lake #landscape #monday #water #sea #sky #ocean #b...
Day 1,748
Touch #65
Another lovely warm day, another great #trois-jetees swim
Day 1,745
Touch #62
Another lovely swim in the lake. This is the snazzy bench at #trois-jetees
Day 1,758
Touch #74
Cool, they have opened the lake-side sauna at #trois-jetees