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3K photos
Day 3,176
Pen #4
Work work #pen #blue #paper #papers #frame #window #things #thing #work #drawing #writing
Day 3,116
a lot of work and a lot of animals on my desk
I'm working way too much these days. But when my little niece and nephew called me for a video call, I t...
Day 1,095
#3 #number #office-day #work
Day 1,094
Engine start...
tidin... tidin... tidin... Engine kaput 🙃 #coffe #work #office #no-idea-photo
Day 3,070
with all his strength
We went on a walk and it was warmer outside than what we thought. So after a break at a restaurant we were too lazy to walk home...
Day 2,996
finishing the logo for 'schür' #design #graphic #logo #work
Day 33
Learning new technology. Preparing for public speaking next week. Publishing fifth module of Focus Academy (Akademia Skupienia) about strategie...
Day 20
A lot of things turning in my head. #work #developer
Day 757
#blue #architechture #cracow #work
Day 661
Słońce na twarzy / The sun on my face
O tej porze, przed 10 rano, słońce wpadając przez szczelinę w oknie, pada idealnie na moją twarz. Pracować nie m...
Day 280
working together
#dog #work #together #student #assistant
Day 531
Nie da zapomnieć / It is impossible to forget
Weekend przy komputerze, który nie chce dać o sobie zapomnieć. Dziś spędzam wieczór w taki sposób. Już n...
Day 1,861
Long day, rainy day
#rain #work #night
Day 466
International Childe
It is fun to teach grown up ppl to play like kids 😊 #slime #work #teaching #fun
Day 464
Typical day at work
#birthday #party #pokemon #work #kids
Day 1,763
#view #work #murzasichle #mountains #tatra-mountains #tired #bored
Day 1,735
work again
#workworkworkworkwork #work #tired #spa #hotel #massage-room #decorations #wall #mirror
Day 1,728
#work #facial #spa #beauty #massage
Day 1,726
work work
#work #hotel #spa #spaandwellness #cosmetics
Day 1,708
#flower #reception #hotel #work
Day 1,705
on my way
#onmyway #work #road #rainy #gloomy-weather #september
Day 1,698
work work
#work #landscape #mountains #sky #podhale #murzasichle
Day 1,696
#audia3 #audi #car #work #tired #monday
Day 106
Mój mąż / Hubby
Dzień spawania. Lubię te błyski koło domu. Od dziecka mnie to fascynuje. Welding day. I like those flashes around the house. It has fa...