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Like the discipline of a daily photo project.
#9 333/365
609 streak
Day 3,253
UK - Village Cricket
#theme-national-cliches #cricket
Day 3,252
UK - Stilton cheese
Stilton - a Protected Food name. This cheese was made in Colston Bassett. There are on ly six dairies licensed to make Stilton che...
Day 3,251
UK - Gardens and large country houses
We had a long meeting in Lincolnshire this morning which went on until past 2pm. And past lunch time! I persuade...
Day 3,250
UK - Traffic jams
I have posted this on the slant as my day has been .... challenging. At about 5pm I discovered my freezer had either broken or just...
Day 3,249
UK - Obesity
Bad day for photo opportunities, but I had this idea whist at the supermarket. I did not buy sugar, by the way. #theme-national-cliches
Day 3,248
Less bees on a flower ( echinops ) means more pollen for this little bee. Yippee for this bee! #theme-less-means-more #bee #echinops
Day 3,247
Rutland Water
#theme-less-means-more #reservoir #church
Day 3,246
Sale rail
Day 3,245
One vase becomes three
Day 3,244
Hot air balloon
Of course I did not have the right camera/lens with me - but so what? #hot-air-balloon #theme-less-means-more
Day 3,243
1 car
#theme-less-means-more #carpark #red-car
Day 3,242
#theme-less-means-more #lavender
Day 3,241
Dinner time!
Taking this photograph made me sad. I had to clean the kennel - this was Hector's kennel who died nearly 2 years ago. That did not make m...
Day 3,240
I put the phone by the dog, who was lying in her bed. So dog being fussed by human. Glad I took at least one photo today - a good day, but hardl...
Day 3,239
#canadian-geese #canal #theme-dog-perspective
Day 3,238
No thank you! #puddle #rin #village #theme-dog-perspective
Day 3,237
"Mount Everest"
Day 3,236
#cow #grass #theme-dog-perspective
Day 3,235
At the choir summer social, a picnic in someone's garden. I have taken the red out - is that right for how dogs see? #swing #theme-dog-perspecti...
Day 3,234
At last ...
The sky was clear this evening, and we had a proper sunset. I had to travel about 8 miles to get this image but I knew it would be worthwh...
Day 3,233
Friendly rivalry
For @jazzie
Day 3,232
Recently harvested #garlic
Day 3,231
Vapour trails at sunset
Been a slightly anxious day, but this looks calming to me. #theme-sunset-or-sunrise #vapour-trails
Day 3,230
Through my kitchen window
Determined to make at least one entry in this weeks theme. I may improve later on in the week, but may not. At least we were...