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Like the discipline of a daily photo project.
#10 11/365
652 streak
Day 365
Phew! First year done.
Today was Eric Flower's Memorial challenge day at the cricket club and by remarkable chance the very first picture I posted on...
Day 364
Down in the woodland
#forest #outdoors #trees #nature #afternoon #green #landscape #wood #sunday #tree #leaf #day #painting #abstract #atmosphere #sea...
Day 363
Before the tremendous thunder and lightening storms we had this afternoon. It poured with rain, one good side means no watering needed this even...
Day 362
Must be nearly autumn
There was really heavy dew this morning, and the day developed into something wonderful. #morning #nature #friday #light #web #s...
Day 361
Lifting turf
These men are work colleagues, but I wonder if they are friends as well? For the sake of the weekly theme I am going to assume that they...
Day 360
Moon in the morning
I have been wanting to take this kind of shot for ages, and this morning the conditions were right as I walked the dogs. A lot of...
Day 359
Love this single tree set against a big, blue, Norfolk sky. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #green #landscape #tuesday #tree #blue #sky #grass #day...
Day 358
#afternoon #monday #august
Day 357
Bad photo day
I have managed to take just 3 photographs today, not much me time at all this weekend. Not very restful either. So; have some stained gl...
Day 356
Visited a scarecrow festival down at Flamstead today; there must have been some 50 creative entries. This one fitted our theme for the w...
Day 355
The block of wood is the brake on this car, dating from about 1896. The rod you can see in the bottom left corner is called a sprag, and is low...
Day 354
The computer man
Tech is great when it doesn't let you down. Our iMac had a slow death - the computer man took it away a week or so ago and it has had...
Day 353
'Fork in pollen' by Mark Reed in front of Doddington Hall, Lincolnshire. There is something technical in the media - 'cold cast pewter and...
Day 352
Then and now
On the left, husband's first calculator bought when he was at university, about 1972. Did an engineering degree with that small machine....
Day 351
Just in time
I was about to go with son to the automatic car wash - a once a year treat - and checked to see if this week's theme had been announced....
Day 350
Lovely Sunday being busy in the garden ....but not too busy ... then read the lesson at church this evening. #forest #outdoors #nature #afterno...
Day 349
Swithland slate
Very old roof; they stopped quarrying this slate quite a while ago I believe. #saturday #old #vintage #evening #roof #architecture #bu...
Day 348
Open roof
With apologies to Magda [] - I could not resist posting a photograph of my much loved car with its roof do...
Day 347
King's Cross Railway Station
Does a ceiling count? When does a ceiling become a roof? #morning #thursday #city #architecture #train-station #modern #a...
Day 346
Iconic London roofline
St Paul's Cathedral, taken from the south side of the river Thames with the Millennium Bridge providing the leading line. #even...
Day 345
London Skyline I
#evening #landscape #black-and-white #tuesday #city #urban #sky #architecture #europe #august #urban-scene #buldings #panoramicview #...
Day 344
Purple flowers
From our garden #nature #afternoon #monday #leaf #flower #design #floral #illustration #vegetation #august
Day 343
Tomato house
The glass house full of tomatoes at Chatsworth House. Lovely drive out [some 180 miles in total] in an old [1931] car #outdoors #nature #...
Day 342
Green woodpecker
On the tree, of course. This was right at the end of the reach of my lens, and I have cropped it to improve composition, but as we al...