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my kind of instagram
#1 67/365
20 streak
Day 67
long summer day
Day 66
Day 65
Day 64
Day 63
Day 62
Day 61
#vacant #hammock
Day 60
Day 59
no actual picture today / it just seemed a pity to spoil the streak
Day 58
the solaris effect
Day 57
they're here
Day 56
Day 55
my fave at this year's TIFF
Day 54
not much
Day 53
Day 52
catchin' up with this lovely lady
Day 51
Holding a polaroid picture and the phone in the same hand can give unexpected results. Not a nude pic, although it looks so.
Day 50
Day 49
Day 48
Day 47
this salinger-esque book, they could do a TIFF movie by it
Day 46
#theme-eye / made in 2013 when I was far more daring and had a lot more time & vision on my hands... so to speak
Day 45
here comes the storms season
Day 44