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my kind of instagram, no streak
#1 68/365
3 streak
Day 46
#theme-eye / made in 2013 when I was far more daring and had a lot more time & vision on my hands... so to speak
Day 56
Day 43
ugly fluffy cloud
Day 44
Day 48
Day 36
Day 45
here comes the storms season
Day 51
Holding a polaroid picture and the phone in the same hand can give unexpected results. Not a nude pic, although it looks so.
Day 65
long summer day
Day 13
Day 3
Day 28
Day 38
Day 50
Day 59
no actual picture today / it just seemed a pity to spoil the streak
Day 60
Day 61
#vacant #hammock
Day 66
Day 30
ny res from last year: better later than never
Day 27
Day 23
Day 35
Day 34
Day 9