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Urszula Stachowicz

I have memory of a goldfish. That’s why I need my Tookapic diary – to remember anything!
#8 181/365
70 streak
Day 463
#thursday #afternoon #colors #painting #hand #desktop #nails #rubiks-cube #cube #paint #colorful #brush #april #theme-pastel
Day 403
Blue mood
It was the first time since four months when I left home with my camera. Only to take one photo. I love this green houses and they look so b...
Day 464
Rubik's soup
What does Salvador Dali eat for breakfast? And it's been a while since I was playing with my food... #friday #afternoon #food #dinner #co...
Day 453
Spring is dead
I don't like Spring, it makes me sooo tired all the time. I always feel like a run over frog. It is funny. The other doctor saw my resu...
Day 660
Goodbye, Mommy
You are in a better place now. You aren't in pain. I love you so much. I always will. #portrait #october #friday #night #woman #monochr...
Day 662
Tomorrow will be the most difficult day in my life. I don't think it's our last goodby, Mum. Since we both believe, I hope we will meet one d...
Day 410
Mocca 'buns'
I'm in a phase of taking ugly, qiuck and pointless photos of ugly food. (It's another recipe from my coconut cookbook. I think something...
Day 503
So here he comes. My brand new bike! Especially for this week theme! :D Just kidding. I didn't buy the model I wanted, but I think this one will...
Day 418
Here comes more streaks. Hard times, I'll tell you. I feel exhausted and sore. I have a really great physiotherapist, but in front of the buil...
Day 420
I don't know why and what for I took this photo 1
I have my own week theme: crappy, thoughtless, low resolution, technical disaster photo. Today I was...
Day 566
Triangle radars
They work perfectly, especially when you open the fridge. #portrait #nature #afternoon #tuesday #cat #animal #kitten #eye #ears #sleep...
Day 373
Ok, I'm officially cursed. The groom got a fine because he was talking to me on the phone. On the parking. He was driving maybe 5 km/h and w...
Day 541
It took me a while, but I finally made a photobook for my cousin. Can't wait to give it to them. The girl has already a couple of months so...
Day 546
It's raining watermelon
#outdoors #nature #afternoon #food #rain #color #wednesday #blue #sky #clouds #fresh #fruit #cloud #seeds #contrast #bright #d...
Day 454
Blue traffic
I had another consultation. And also doctor showed me my MRI. Now we know that it is very serious and we are fighting to avoid the knife....
Day 679
Inspired by the 'Beetle Juice' movie. My Mum wasn't much into TV. She hardly ever watched anything (but she loved books. She was such a b...
Day 415
Cats on the roof
Ray of hope today. Miracle happened and I'm starting three hard weeks of rehabilitation on Monday! So this time from this doctor I di...
Day 450
I can do it
#portrait #friday #afternoon #little #cat #animal #studio #baby #kitten #eye #box #sleep #fur #one #pet #cute #march #domestic #tabby #mam...
Day 471
Fluffy cloudy
Another photo I wanted to look differently, but. I'm going for three weeks. Sanatorium. On Tuesday. And it took me completely by surpris...
Day 480
Sitting here in my boring room
My roommate has left for a one-day trip so I'm staying in our room for the whole day. I'll be reading, watching series...
Day 460
White rabbit
Today my sister dropped by so I asked her to hold my little 6 kg kitty so I could take this photo. I'd say it was a great solution, becau...
Day 488
I don't feel good today, so just a streak. I can't move my neck. Probably yestarday wind did me that. #indoors #afternoon #light #monday #dar...
Day 492
We had our control visit today. 65 people, one doctor, 5 hours. Yeah, seems like a joke. Can't wait to go home. 3 more terrible nights here....
Day 422
So the streak continues. I feel so guilty about it but still - no energy for anything else. This morning I felt really good. I felt no pain and i...