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#3 119/365
1 streak
Day 633
Day 632
My boat
I made an awful logical mistake on this photo yesterday and I was too tired to noticed it before so I have to upload it again, this time corre...
Day 631
Day 630
Temperature shock. Previous day: 37 C; in Poland: FREEZING.
Day 629
Coming home.
Day 628
Day 627
Day 626
Streak photo today, I'm terribly tired and I have no time for anything. I have so much photos to upload but I even don't have time to watch t...
Day 625
Day 624
Day 623
Day 622
Day 621
Going to work, waiting for metro-tram which was ALWAYS late no matter what time we left home. (and it was first or second station...)
Day 620
Day 619
My dream is to one day be that person who's standing on the board #outdoors #nature #evening #landscape #tuesday #water #sea #sun #sky #sunset #o...
Day 618
I was defitetely born in wrong place on Earth, I love sea so much.
Day 617
Widok od strony kuchni. Trochę straszne, jak jakieś slumsy, ale kochałam ten widok. W Hiszpanii jest bardzo często tak, że bloki od strony ulicy wyglą...
Day 616
Funny man on the motorbike asked me for taking a picture of him, so here it is ;)
Day 615
Yesterday we moved out from our apartment because students were coming back to Valencia and rooms had to be empty on 7th of September. We didn'...
Day 614
Packing. Changing home, changing neighborhood, city the same.
Day 613
I'm in Space
Day 612
Day 611
Day 610
#outdoors #nature #afternoon #sunday #color #tree #garden #leaf #flower #rose #bright #closeup #decoration #summer #floral #petal #beautiful #s...