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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 161/365
3 streak
Day 2,408
Young Grey Heron
There was no sign of the young Heron or the male this morning. When I went back at lunch time I spotted her at the side of the loch....
Day 2,410
Young grey heron
There was no sign of the young heron first thing this morning. She seems to be around more mid morning or early afternoon. She was in...
Day 2,411
Young Grey Heron
Again the young heron was nowhere to be seen first thing this morning so I popped back up a couple of hours later. This time she flew...
Day 2,412
Young Grey heron
I got a bit of a lie in this morning. First one for a long time. Morag woke me at about 7:00am to get fed. I went up to the loch mid...
Day 2,414
Young Grey Heron
I went up to the loch about 8:30 this morning and the young heron flew down from the dovecote to the grass. She is understandably ill...
Day 2,415
Young Grey Heron
There seems to be a bit of a pattern developing. When I first approach the loch,, the young heron flies over to greet me. After a few...
Day 2,423
Young Grey Heron
I had almost given up on seeing the young Heron this morning. It was very misty and of course the clocks went forward so I was a bit...
Day 2,431
Young Grey Heron
After her adventures yesterday, the young Heron was more subdued today! She flew over had her fish then flew back to the nest. She wa...
Day 2,443
Young Grey Heron
Another straightforward day. The young one was in the loch this morning but flew over as soon as she spotted me. She had her fish and...
Day 2,450
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was back on the dovecot waiting for me. As soon as she spotted me she flew over, a bit sticky looking again. She was...
Day 2,451
Young Grey Heron
The Young Heron flew over to the park entrance again this morning. She had all her fish then flew directly back to the loch. The Crow...
Day 2,454
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was not at the entrance this morning but as I made my way in I discovered why. Someone was feeding the other birds br...
Day 2,469
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was not really hungry today or she has gone of Sardines. The male made up for it and ate the bulk of the sardines the...
Day 2,488
Grey Heron lunch club
This is a shot containing the full Heron gang! The top left is the older female below her is the youngest one, probably last yea...
Day 2,489
Young Grey Heron
The young heron has smartened up again and knows that she can get peace to eat her share of food if she flies over to the grass (I am...
Day 2,496
Young grey heron
Young grey heron The male flew down to the young one's territory this morning. He was immediately chased off by the young one who then flew back for h...
Day 2,497
Young Grey Heron
The young heron flew over to the grass again today. She had most of the whitebait then flew over to the loch again. The male flew ove...
Day 2,501
Young grey heron
The whole gang were out in force again today. The youngest one is much more confident at coming over. I never imagined I would get to...
Day 2,522
Young Grey Heron
There were no Heron around when I went up to the loch this morning. I went back at about 11:00 am and the older female flew over. She...
Day 2,531
Young Grey Heron
First time in months that the young one hasn't appeared. Not sure if she is on one of her wanders or if the noise from the work being...
Day 2,536
Young Grey Heron
When I went to the loch this morning it was only the older female and the male who were around. I think the work being carried out ro...
Day 2,541
Young Grey Heron
The young one flew over to meet me at the entrance this morning landed on a barrier then walked over to meet me. She walked over to t...
Day 2,542
Young grey Heron
The young one was walking towards me, near the entrance, this morning. The older female flew over to a tree and made sure it was safe...
Day 2,543
Young Grey Heron
Over the course of the 2 visits I have seen the whole gang today. The older female was waiting for me on the viewing platform. She is...