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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 161/365
3 streak
Day 2,452
Young Grey Heron
This morning the young Heron and the crow flew over. I gave the crow a bit of fish and it took off with it. I then gave the rest to t...
Day 2,453
Young Grey Heron
A very relaxed day today with no interruptions The young Heron flew over both visits ate her fish then flew back to the nest area. On...
Day 2,477
Young Grey Heron
When I arrived at the loch this morning there was no sign of the young one but I spotted the male at the other end of the loch. I hea...
Day 2,480
Young Grey Heron
Feeding went pretty much to plan today after the young Heron chased the male up to his end of the loch. The other female didn't show...
Day 2,487
Young Grey Heron
The young heron was waiting for me at the entrance to the park this morning. She had most of her whitebait then flew over to the edge...
Day 2,507
Young Grey Heron
The young one flew over to the edge of the loch this morning. I gave her a good share of Whitebait then went to see who else was arou...
Day 2,514
Grey Heron
This morning MrsD came with me. The young one was standing on the viewing platform and flew straight across to the grass. I was midway thro...
Day 2,525
Young grey Heron
When I went up to the loch this morning the older female heron met me at the entrance there was no sign of the young one (doesn't fee...
Day 2,534
Young Grey Heron
The young one met me at the gate to the park again and got a large feed of whitebait before heading back to the loch for some more. S...
Day 2,535
Young Grey Heron
The young one met me at the gate this morning. She had quite a bit of her whitebait then spotted a woman coming into the park with a...
Day 2,547
Young Grey Heron
MrsD came with me this morning. There was no sign of the young one this morning, only the older female and the youngest one. The olde...
Day 2,554
Young Grey Heron
The young one and the older female were both waiting on the top of the dovecote this morning. The young one flew down as soon as she...
Day 2,255
Water colour
A flipped reflection #theme-golden
Day 2,283
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting on the path to the loch this morning. I had concerns that the fireworks last night might have worried her...
Day 2,292
Young Grey Heron
Was up at the loch quite early, it was still quite dark the young Heron spotted me though and was straight over. It is a poorer quali...
Day 2,298
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was on the grass waiting again this morning. She met me very close to the entrance so I walked her back a bit so she...
Day 2,299
Young Grey Heron
It was still quite dark when I got to the loch today. The young Heron was on the grass waiting and came to meet me. She walked me nea...
Day 2,302
Young grey heron
My wife came with me to the loch today. She hasn't seen the young Heron for quite a while. The young Heron was waiting on the grass a...
Day 2,309
Young Grey Heron
It was very cold this morning, I thought that the loch might be frozen over. When I approached the loch, it was much quieter there we...
Day 2,318
Young Grey Heron
It was still a bit dark when I got to the loch today. The young Heron flew over to the grass. There were a few dog owners talking not...
Day 2,320
Young Grey Heron
I kept my eye open this morning and spotted the young Heron on top of the Dovecote before I got to the entrance. I just reached the g...
Day 2,329
Grey Heron
It was another wet overcast morning. I had just turned into the entrance when I saw the young Heron walking towards me. You could still see...
Day 2,336
Young Grey Heron
I was a about 30 min later getting up to the loch this morning. There were a few dog walkers around. I saw the young heron flying aro...
Day 2,377
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was very near the entrance this morning and came "running" to meet me. She wasn't completely happy there and flew a f...