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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 161/365
3 streak
Day 2,476
Young Grey Heron
When I got to the loch this morning the male flew the length of the loch and landed at the spot I usually feed the young heron. As th...
Day 2,499
Young Grey Heron
The whole gang arrived at the foot of the loch today. The young one chased away the male than landed beside the older female. The you...
Day 2,500
Young Grey Heron
The gang were out in force this morning. The young one now stands her ground against the older female and eats her share of the white...
Day 2,502
Young grey Heron
We have the school run today so only one visit to the loch. The young one flew down from the dovecote and met me at the entrance. I m...
Day 2,504
Young Grey Heron
The young one came to meet me not far from the entrance this morning. She had a good feed then flew over to the water for a bit more...
Day 2,508
Young Grey Heron
I seem to be back to 2 heron again but I could not have picked a better 2. The young one and the youngest one! The young one caught m...
Day 2,509
Grey Heron
The young one flew over to the grass this morning. She was joined a few minutes later with the older female. She was happy enough for her t...
Day 2,518
Young Grey Heron
Only the young one and the youngest one around today. Nice to see the youngest one back. The young one met me at the gate then flew o...
Day 2,533
Young grey heron and older female
When I went to the loch this morning it was only the older female and the male who were around. They both flew over...
Day 2,538
Young Grey Heron
The older female was around first thing this morning but no sign of the young one. I walked round to the clearing and was pleasantly...
Day 2,540
Young Grey Heron
The older female heron was waiting for me this morning at the edge of the loch. I started feeding her and was aware of another heron...
Day 2,296
Young grey Heron
Nearly slept in this morning however Morag woke me as she wanted fed as well. When I got to the loch the young one was waiting for me...
Day 2,297
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting for me on the grass again today. When she saw me she came right across. It is always quieter early mornin...
Day 2,301
Young Grey Heron
I've been leaving it slightly later each morning before going up to the loch to get a bit better light. The young Heron flew right ov...
Day 2,312
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting for me today on the grass. She started walking towards me as soon she saw me. I upped my pace a bit so th...
Day 2,378
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting at the entrance again but could not settle (because of the noise the wind was making I think). She eventu...
Day 2,484
Young Grey Heron
When I got to the loch this morning I spotted the male flying down the loch towards me. I went as fast as I could away from the young...
Day 2,503
Young Grey Heron
No sign of the male today. The other 3 were around. The young one is now well in control with the older female when it comes to eatin...
Day 2,512
Young Grey Heron
The young one was waiting on top of the dovecote this morning. She flew down and ran over towards the gate to meet me. She had a good...
Day 2,519
Grey Herons
This morning it was the older female who spotted me and flew over. She had just landed when my Heron joined her. I fed them both but made...
Day 2,524
Young Grey Heron
My Heron was the only one missing this morning the older male and female were around as was the youngest one. It was very gusty so I...
Day 2,529
Young Grey Heron
The young one flew to the entrance and got some of her whitebait. They are doing some further work at the other side of the loch and...
Day 2,552
Young grey Heron
We were going out this afternoon so I just hoped that the young one would be there this morning. She was waiting on at the drainage a...
Day 2,295
Young Grey Heron
Very windy this morning. I wasn't sure if the young Heron would show up as she used to be wary of strong winds. I was standing at the...