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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 60/365
34 streak
Day 2,493
Grey Heron
I could only fit in one visit today as we were having family round for a Platinum Jubilee celebration. The whole gang were out and thankful...
Day 2,207
Young Grey Heron
The wanderer returns. A nice surprise waiting at the clearing! Not really a great surprise as it is consistently 3 days she is away f...
Day 2,209
Theme shot
No sign of the young heron today so a quick faceless portrait! clue: It is not Batman #theme-faceless-portrait
Day 2,219
Union Canal
Day 2,230
Black Headed Gull
A black Headed Gull in winter plumage. One of the first signs summer is over. #theme-goodbye-summer
Day 2,242
Day 2,271
Young grey heron
Early morning trip to the loch, I spotted the young heron on her tree. As soon as she saw me she flew over to the fence. She is defin...
Day 2,339
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting for me near the entrance. I walked her in a bit and started to feed her. I was about half way through whe...
Day 2,349
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was watching from the top of the dovecote and flew down as soon as she saw me. I was about halfway through feeding he...
Day 2,397
Young Grey Heron
There was a lot of activity at the foot of the loch today. Children playing in the swing park area and bins being emptied. I wandered...
Day 2,435
Young Grey Heron
No problems today! This morning the young heron flew over to the entrance again had her fish then flew back to the loch! This afterno...
Day 2,473
Young Grey Heron
A very wet Morning. As usual I made my way to the loch to feed the Heron. The young Heron flew over to the edge of the loch. I think...
Day 2,193
Young Grey Heron
The laughing Heron!
Day 2,195
Young Grey Heron
I heard her before I saw her today! She has taken to giving me a call before she lands (I assume so that I know where she is and don'...
Day 2,206
#theme-mono Still no sign of the young Heron. She has disappeared in the past. Usually for about 3 or 4 days but once she was away for about 1...
Day 2,212
No sign of the young Heron today. I am starting to think she has moved on to one of the larger lochs in the area. I have no doubt she will return...
Day 2,222
Day 2,228
Tufted Duck
Day 2,236
Isle of May
Day 2,254
Lochend Loch & Arthur's Seat
A very wet day at the loch!
Day 2,266
Young Grey Heron
The young heron was waiting for me again today at the same spot. Someone had just thrown a load of bread nearby and the gulls were go...
Day 2,290
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting on the grass for me. She was right in the middle of the fallen leaves and I knew that would make it hard...
Day 2,308
Young Grey Heron
When I got to the loch today the contractors had moved things up a gear! There was a large lorry full of black plastic pipes parked j...
Day 2,316
Young Grey Heron
Got the all clear so went up to the loch this morning couldn't see the young Heron but she walked up behind me. I had to feed her on...