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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 157/365
4 streak
Day 2,205
Preening Swan
Still no sign of the young Heron, however she has disappeared for a few days before. I am sure she will be back. A preening swan today....
Day 2,224
Tufted Duck
Day 2,227
Newhaven Lighthouse
Day 2,238
Day 2,246
Still a few around. I saw some around Kinghorn when we were there last week. Sadly I saw 3 dead ones washed up on the shore there. I believe...
Day 2,249
Black Headed Gull
Day 2,280
Young Grey Heron
When I approached the loch this morning the young Heron was standing on a concrete pipe looking towards the entrance. The pipe is in...
Day 2,294
Young Grey Heron
I decided to leave it a bit later (about 30 min) before heading up to the loch as it would be a bit lighter. When I got there it was...
Day 2,342
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting at the entrance again. When she spotted me she came walking towards me. I was just about finished feeding...
Day 2,346
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was waiting for me at the entrance again. She followed me as I walked a bit further into the park. There was nobody a...
Day 2,360
Black-headed Gull
No sign of the young one again. Not sure if she was frightened off again or whether she is on the move again. I will see if she is t...
Day 2,361
Young Grey Heron
When I went up to the loch this morning there was no sign of the young Heron . I popped back up after lunch but she was nowhere to be...
Day 2,367
Young grey heron
I made my way up to the loch as it was getting light. I couldn't see the Young Heron on the platform near the middle of the loch so c...
Day 2,376
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was watching for me from the top of the dovecote and flew down as soon as I arrived. I had not even started to feed h...
Day 2,380
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron was nowhere to be seen this morning then she suddenly flew from the centre of the loch and landed halfway up the hill...
Day 2,389
Young Grey Heron
It was me that spotted the young Heron today. She was in the water at the side of the viewing platform and her view was blocked by a...
Day 2,394
Young Grey Heron
Thoughts are with you.
Day 2,406
Grey Heron
The young heron flew straight across to the grass/mud today. She had about half her fish then flew to the drainage area on the loch and had...
Day 2,419
Young Grey Heron
I didn't see the young Heron today as I made my way to the loch but she spotted me and flew over to meet me. A couple must have been...
Day 2,421
Young grey Heron
The young Heron flew over to a muddy (my side of the fence) area this morning. I had got halfway through her fish when she took off a...
Day 2,424
Young Grey Heron
I was a bit late getting to the loch today and thought I saw the young heron flying to the nest. On looking closer, it looked more li...
Day 2,425
Young Grey Heron
The young heron spotted me this morning and flew over. She had over half her fish then flew back to the nest. I took the rest of her...
Day 2,457
Grey Heron
The young Heron flew over from the water both times today, this is a shot of her flying towards me. She ate all her fish then flew back to...
Day 2,460
I managed 2 trips to the loch although the 2nd visit was a good bit later. In the morning the young heron was on the dovecote and flew over to the ent...