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I live in Edinburgh in Scotland, I enjoy taking wildlife photos mainly birds. I am now on my 7th year which highlights my daily interaction with a young Heron at a nearby loch.
#9 157/365
4 streak
Day 2,401
Young Grey Heron
When I went to the loch first thing the young Heron was not around I spotted a male but it was not interested in the bit of fish I ga...
Day 2,403
Young Grey Heron
It was very cold this morning as I got to the loch. I met a dog walker, an older man, who I have spoken to a couple of times. He was...
Day 2,413
Young Grey Heron
I went up to the loch a bit earlier today. I spotted the young heron on the fence surrounding the loch. As soon as she saw me she fle...
Day 2,430
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron met me at the entrance to the park this morning. I don't know what she had been up to but the crest feathers were sti...
Day 2,433
Young Grey Heron
he young Heron flew over and landed beside me today. Unfortunately a thoughtless dog owner with a Whippet came into the park and just...
Day 2,458
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron spotted me from the dovecote this morning. She flew down and was waiting for me at the entrance, The crow came over j...
Day 2,461
Young Grey Heron
The young heron was waiting for me at the entrance this morning along with the crow. They must have spotted me early because I did no...
Day 2,466
Young Grey Heron
The young heron flew over from the water this morning (the crow had already followed me in from near the entrance). They both had the...
Day 2,470
Young Grey Heron
The young heron was more her self today. She flew over from the water this morning to the grass. She ate most of her pollock before f...
Day 2,475
Grey Heron
The young one flew over to the edge of the loch today within the fence. She was not very hungry (both morning and afternoon) but is eating...
Day 2,482
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron flew over to the grass today and I was able to give her a fair bit of her whitebait. When a Lab ran towards us she fl...
Day 2,498
Grey Heron
A slight change today. This is one of this year's chicks. It is amazing to be able to see it.
Day 2,527
Young Grey Heron
The young one flew over to the entrance to meet me this morning. She had some whitebait but wasn't to keen. The supply I have just fi...
Day 2,528
Young Grey Heron
There was no sign of the young one this morning. The older female and the male were around though. MrsD joined me and got to finally...
Day 2,530
Young Grey Heron
There was no sign of the young one or the older female this morning. I did see the male though. Work is going on at the other side of...
Day 2,539
Young Grey Heron
Mrs D came with me again this morning and was treated to the young one meeting us at the gate. She had no idea how close to the road...
Day 2,221
Juvenile Herring Gull
Probably this year's hatching.
Day 2,223
Day 2,229
Not a bird I see a lot of round here. In fact the last one I saw was about 5 years ago. Update on the young heron. I saw her yesterday, She...
Day 2,237
Sandwich Tern
About to dive
Day 2,247
Day 2,251
In the rain. So different to yesterday.
Day 2,268
Young grey heron
The young heron was waiting for me on the viewing platform, looking up the loch, just like yesterday. As I got near she turned round...
Day 2,273
Young Grey Heron
The young Heron flew straight over again this morning. Before I got over a Dalmatian ran over to the fence. I thought that would be g...