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181 photos from 2 people. Curated by
Day 1,941
Song Sparrow
Day 1,951
Maybe this is what I saw the other day...
And by 'maybe' I am leaning heavily towards 'ya, this was it'. Also: Still not a Black Duck... :( Was out lo...
Day 2,195
Not a Card, but Not a Throwaway
Sometimes I just gotta take a picture because I'm just not 100% sure. Like now. I'm all but certain that I'm looking a...
Day 2,238
Two birds just chillin' in the afternoon
Day 1,399
Blue Jay
haven't shot a bird in forever. feederwatch starts next week... might as well break out the long lens and get some practice in.
Day 1,917
A Cultral Invasion of Epic Wrongness
Way back in the olden times of 1890, Eugene Schieffelin thought it'd be a swell idea to release every bird mentio...
Day 1,919
Ring-necked Ducks
Fun ducks on the marsh!
Day 1,986
While I was heading out I came across this grouse (forest chicken) sitting in the middle of the road. Did my errands and who did I f...
Day 2,240
American Tree Sparrow
It's been a bit warmer recently. Got out and shot some sparrows. I like this one.
Day 2,554
Crappy weather with poor light. At least my chickadees hung out today.
Day 2,904
Cooper's Hawk
Broke out the big camera and the big lens for a (not really) big bird. This Cooper's hung out on the back fence long enough for me to: a...
Day 1,496
There is one picture I want to capture before this Varied Thrush flies the coop. The challenge is all about timing; there is a very specific behav...
Day 1,590
Tree Swallow
It's always nice to photograph a new-to-me bird.
Day 2,231
Who's been eating my suet?
Came out this morning to find the suet cake tossed on the ground. Oh well, it happens. Caught the culprit trying again. May...
Day 2,249
Just a little chickadee waiting for it's turn at the feeders.
Day 2,276
Just a large woodpecker being all loud and noisy.
Day 2,494
Female Evening Grosbeak
Day 2,573
Looking for Scraps
In the late afternoon the Chickadees will often hang out beneath the feeders looking for scraps. What's odd about this: There is st...
Day 2,635
Red-winged Blackbird
Crappy weather, this bird is not having any of it. #theme-springtime
Day 2,668
Broad-winged Hawk
Day 2,688
A hunt for a Woodcock
My colleague said he saw a Woodcock our and about this morning. I went down in the afternoon to see if I could see it. I could n...
Day 1,182
Project Feederwatch: Last Day
Project Feederwatch: Last Day Last day for me and Feederwatch for the 2019 season. Seventeen different species this time around, including a new one (...
Day 1,642
Wood Duck
Whole mess of deer flies out today. Not fun... not fun at all. What was fun: Seeing this male Wood Duck
Day 1,785
First (but not really) of the Year
This is the second Hairy Woodpecker of the season. The first was yesterday, but wouldn't you know it... no card in...