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25 photos from 1 person. Curated by
Day 2,399
Fox Watch Continues
Not as many photos of the local foxes recently. Mostly they are staying away from the office. Today, however, I was able to get th...
Day 2,357
Nap Time
Not as engaging as the other fox pictures, but it'll have to do.
Day 2,351
Little One was hanging out by the feeders this afternoon. I think he was bunching on some of the seeds. Whatever it was, he seemed to find it ta...
Day 2,350
Mom and Me
The vixen and one of the kits hanging out by the pavilion.
Day 2,348
Another Fox
Another day, another fox. This little fellow spent about twenty minutes in front of the office. Maybe more to come... I hope. :)
Day 2,347
One of Two
... maybe one of more than two. The baby foxes are back behind the office. Looks like my afternoons will be taken up with sitting in the bo...
Day 1,913
Lazy Morning for All
Even my fox is having a lazy morning. Just that sort of day I guess.
Day 1,884
M'eh Quality of a Surprise
Was headin' out to top up the bird feeders, only to find that my new Squirrel Deterrent had arrived. Spent about fifteen mi...
Day 1,623
Fox Days of Spring
Got to spend about twenty minutes with one of my foxes afternoon. I was able to open the boardroom window without waking him and sh...
Day 1,621
Can't Win 'em All
That grey blur at the bottom... that's the top of the grill. Guess today wasn't a good day for photographing foxes after all.
Day 1,620
More foxes!
Just what the world needs more of... more baby foxes being ridiculously cute and adorable. Hope to make my way into the big city tomorrow...
Day 1,617
Not a very comfortable bed
Something I've noticed with the fox pups; they like to sleep on the gravel come late evening. The couple-a-few nights I've...
Day 1,615
Rough Housing
Three of the kits showed up in the back yard today. At one point it was a Battle Royal for the food-thing (not sure what it was). It's a...
Day 1,614
Sleepy Time
Sorry for the crap quality, but I didn't want to wake the lil fellow up (shot through a bug screen). Also shot some shaky video of three o...
Day 1,613
Day Three
Foxes are making barking-noises just outside my door! It's part-yelp/part-bark. In all my years, I've never heard that particular sound befo...
Day 1,612
Bayb Fox Season
Second day in a row of the fox kits being out around the office. Hoping I get man-many more. I think this is the same little fellow fr...
Day 1,611
Surprise... BABY FOX!
Was heading out to top up the feeders this morning and was interrupted by this little cutie.
Day 1,608
Sorry for the heavily-edited photo, but if you look carefully you'll see FOUR fox kits! (top right, standing in the middle, and two rough-ho...
Day 1,262
Blondie Enjoying some Down Time
Foxes have been very elusive lately. Maybe too many people about? Maybe just taking a bit of a vacation? At any rate I...
Day 1,252
almost didn't happen
Woke up this morning with my left eye swollen shut. Giant allergy-induced swelling. I hate seasonal allergies. At least they hit...
Day 1,251
Better and Better
My mood, at least, is getting better and better. I don't want to say that my new forest puppy friends have anything to do with that,...
Day 1,250
Another snap of the local fox. Saw three kits this morning, but only this fella stuck around for a snapshot. More tomorrow, I'm hoping. I have a...
Day 1,249
Forest Puppy
Finally captured an image of one of the offices fox kits! #fox #redfox #forestpuppy More to come...?
Day 819
Too Excited to Check Settings
As I was heading down the stairs I caught the fox chilling in the backyard. Was able to grab my camera and get a couple...