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Hanna Gawrychowska

dog lover, cat lover, food connoisseur, book reader, breeder fish in the pond, stroller, budding amateur photographer, tax advisor ... I don't know who yet .... but at the end ... Hania
#9 340/365
2 streak
Day 1,784
collection ...
kolekcja ... a właściwie jej niewielka część collection ... actually a small part of it #theme-out-of-focus
Day 1,786
in the rays of the sun
the season of mists has begun sezon mgieł się zaczął (my way to work) #theme-goodbye-summer
Day 1,803
last flowers
day by day we are getting further away from summer, day by day getting colder, less and less sun, less and less green color around us. Au...
Day 1,804
this guy knocked on my office window today - he sat on the windowsill, looked around and thought it was a great place to rest taki gość dzisiaj...
Day 1,805
I got this bouquet from my client - the scent of lilies fills the entire office .... and Anna's paintings in the background
Day 1,810
I love cats (it's good that Amber can't read) Dot - this is our cat. Today Amber, Kropka and Saba live with us. Three girls. Kropka appeared in...
Day 1,816
taki tam eksperyment z amarylisem - such an experiment with amaryllis
Day 1,820
beautiful sunny day - just for a walk with my daughter and her dogs
Day 1,462
All Souls' Day, a day of memories of those who have passed away. So we mentioned ... I also lit a candle for all my "smaller brothers" who ar...
Day 1,466
by the sea
Day 1,467
foggy morning
on my way to work
Day 1,469
foggy morning
my way to work
Day 1,470
drops, bokeh and larch twig
in my garden
Day 1,471
in the forest
walking with Amber
Day 1,472
by the lake
foggy, wet, cold morning ... brrrrr .......
Day 1,474
walking in the forest
Day 1,481
in the forest
I can't imagine living without a job but sometimes I get the impression that work can't imagine its existence without me ... ... I like...
Day 1,485
no comment
not in my garden
Day 1,486
just mosses
one of the cult Polish bands sang long ago: "Still raining! The asphalt of the streets is as slippery as a fish's belly today, the wet sky...
Day 1,488
birches and a little bit of fog
tak, wiem, wiem, że te brzozy są częstymi gośćmi na moich zdjęciach, ale ... bardzo lubię je fotografować i ... nie ma...
Day 1,490
I ❤️ Gdańsk
blue hour high above
Day 1,493
Mrs. Winter is coming ...
yesterday it was like in this song: It's snowing Fluffy snow I like to look when It flows down so quietly It's snowing As in...
Day 1,496
on the way to work ... sometimes the autumn sun gives me a pleasant surprise and beautifully colors the sky in the morning - how much nicer it...
Day 1,498
by the ground in the woods