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One day at a time...
#11 3/365
3,653 streak
Day 1,225
I just love when Oscar plays the piano #afternoon #wednesday #bw #monochrome #st-cergue #may
Day 1,226
Blue dawn
Inspired by Hiroshi Sugimoto's fabulous Seascapes. #thursday #night #lake #blue #dawn #nyon #may
Day 1,227
Green trees
I couldn't let this week's theme go by without a pic of my trees #trees #friday #afternoon #st-cergue #may #guinfard #theme-green
Day 1,228
Watch out
Crazy shopping-cart drivers out there ;) #afternoon #saturday #shopping #may #shopping-cart #les-rousses #theme-green
Day 1,229
Walk in the forest #2
Another Sunday walk in the forest. Probably 15 degrees less than two weeks ago, but delightful all the same. #forest #trees #aft...
Day 1,230
Almost forgot to take a photo today. Thanks Eva for being my last-minute model. #portrait #evening #monday #st-cergue #eva #may #guinfard
Day 1,231
Where to today?
I'll see later I guess #morning #tuesday #train #fog #st-cergue #may #nstcm
Day 1,232
Four trees in the fog
Rolling fog...and rain all day. #forest #trees #afternoon #wednesday #fog #st-cergue #may #guinfard
Day 1,233
Lovely dinner out with Eva chatting about her plans for her upcoming year in Seoul. #portrait #thursday #evening #st-cergue #eva #may
Day 1,234
Anyone guess the make and model? #friday #afternoon #green #car #nyon #classic-car #may #oldtimer #bonnet
Day 1,235
As promised @pawelkadysz now without hands ;) #saturday #evening #bike #st-cergue #may #vtt #guinfard #theme-bikes
Day 1,236
My loves
❤️❤️ #portrait #afternoon #sunday #bw #monochrome #st-cergue #eva #may #oscar #guinfard
Day 1,237
Flowers in the field
Nice lazy day at home #afternoon #monday #flowers #st-cergue #may #guinfard
Day 1,238
Who just turned 19 ❤️ Oh, and whenever I get new gear my cats are always my first pics :) #evening #tuesday #cat #bw #monochrome #st-cergue...
Day 1,239
Picked up Eva after school and, yeah, another portait 😀 #portrait #afternoon #wednesday #nyon #eva #may
Day 1,240
Not as easy as it looks. Thanks @tania. #portrait #thursday #evening #hands #may #theme-faceless-portrait
Day 1,241
Candle in the wind
Had a few pics of the cows that are back, but none of theme really worked out the way I wanted. Oh well, that's why I take back-up...
Day 1,242
J'ai 15 ans
Already two years since #portrait #afternoon #saturday #st-cergue #may #oscar #guinfard
Day 1,243
E-mountain-biking :)
Lots of fun testing high-end e-mountain-bikes with Oscar. This is the technique needed to get through gates in the stone walls! #...
Day 1,244
Car quiz #1
We were quite a few last year including @magdatko @noun @120mr @radsatz @egzist @jewels @vdgaudin @jazzie @joostvanhalm and @artlobo who p...
Day 1,245
Wild buttercups in the field at home #afternoon #tuesday #flower #st-cergue #may #guinfard
Day 1,246
The cows are back :) No need for a wake-up alarm, their bells do just as well :) #evening #wednesday #st-cergue #may #cow #guinfard
Day 1,247
With my "Tree view" as a backdrop. #thursday #afternoon #st-cergue #may #cow #guinfard
Day 1,248
This little girl really didn't like the idea of me getting too close #friday #evening #st-cergue #june #cow #guinfard