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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 2,421
#sweden #islands #karlskrona-skärgård
Day 2,436
We have spent two nights and a day in Hamburg before travelling home, and visited the Elbphilharmonie Plaza shortly before midnight af...
Day 2,481
palms with the night sky
#ticino #palm #starry-night
Day 2,482
Monte Clivio
We discovered a new not marked hiking path #landscape #lake #mountains
Day 2,539
mirror, mirror
Aare. Low water.
Day 2,519
Day 2,510
in the counterlight
Walking through the forest with the intention of finding leaves for rustling. We did, obviously!
Day 2,503
Day 2,208
christmas bear
And star bokeh. Take a close look at the bear's fur!
Day 2,222
Termine. 2222
Termine means 'The End' in Italian. It's the End of the year. And Termine is the last hamlet of our village here in Ticino before the Sw...
Day 2,269
of music ;-) #pinhole-photography #saxophone #theme-metal
Day 2,270
new addiction?
I started to crochet bunnies 3 weeks ago and can't stop... already the bunny nr. 3 in production even though nr. 2 is not finished yet...
Day 2,290
Day 2,302
en duva flög bort och tittade inte tilbaka
The pigeon was back today but did not really want to pose for me. The title of todays and yesterdays pics a...
Day 2,321
... with very young cones. The branch was lying on the ground after yesterday's storm.
Day 2,322
almost symmetric
We walked along lake Thun all the way from Faulensee to Thun. I took this pic in the end of the hike shortly before arriving at the t...
Day 2,323
tiny spring flowers. We call them 'Katzenaugen', which means 'cat's eyes'.
Day 2,327
green city
we spent almost all day on the castle hill
Day 2,333
byebye, Ljubljana (=the beloved one)
Just before walking to the railway station to take the night train back to Switzerland
Day 2,346
... but now hiding a small one! 🐣
Day 2,351
Growing is so exhausting!
When I uploaded the pic I did not think that an hour the little pigeons would be dead - killed and eaten by crows 😳😢 so sad!
Day 2,359
lonely - one of 'our' doves
maybe the other one is breeding again
Day 2,360
Orchestra. One month before the concert 🎶🤓
Day 2,382