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art teacher loving photography, street art and design
#9 304/365
670 streak
Day 2,396
#pebbles #stones #aare
Day 2,404
#river #water #night
Day 2,448
hopefully the white ones don't mean what I fear they do.
Day 2,450
in my hand
decision #hand #mirror #nature
Day 2,460
in my hand
retro quality high iso 😬 too dark place and not motivated to go get a tripod. But this would not have helped much because the hand with the...
Day 2,474
funny or kind of creepy?
Day 2,475
Photography under water
This is part of an artwork by Zoé Cornelius. She is exhibiting photos of the fictive adventurer Sina in the many fountains of...
Day 2,496
almost the same pic as one year ago
We had to get some curtain accessories and spontaneously decided to walk the whole way home. #bern #city #autumn #...
Day 2,501
I made a rather spontaneous decision today. It comes as a surprise to me too, although I've felt for some time that I no longer take inspired...
Day 2,521
played a bit with the colors afterwards.
Day 2,511
We're standing on the old wooden bridge that was replaced by the concrete bridge you can see. The 'new' bridge is also nearly 100 years old!
Day 2,214
Christmas tree selfie
I wish a merry Christmas to all my Tookafriends! #theme-christmas
Day 2,218
Ticino :-)
Day 2,268
the cheapest lens is no lens
I built a simple pinhole using an unused camera cap and a bit of cinefoil. The hole might be a bit too big, the pics resu...
Day 2,293
traces of a hungry beaver
... and it was not the only tree in the surroundings! 🤪
Day 2,297
box. or ford?
I made this photomontage in a course about free art and design software. And now... I do not know for sure if I will ever use photoshop...
Day 2,309
I want to be able to welcome the first pupils in my classes who fled the war in Ukraine in their language. My basic knowledge in cyrillic scri...
Day 2,315
an other side of Bern
mighty old oak trees and one of the skyscrapers of Wittigkofen quarter
Day 2,325
...tein or dein?
my godchild gave me lots of stones :-)
Day 2,352
Day 2,353
I bought some new lamps for my pupils - as photo lamps, but also to illuminate objects when drawing light and shadow. They remind me of the litt...
Day 2,383
in a tunnel
Day 2,387
more full moon
#fullmoon #citylandscape
Day 2,403
#frog #pond #nature