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Never without my camera !!! 📸
#6 245/365
2 streak
Day 313
Corner of a church...
I went shopping with my elder daughter and spotted this contemporary church. @ianprince inspired me into taking this building at...
Day 314
Waiting for the train...
It actually rained today on the pistes ! It was not the best day of the week. After lunch, my husband and I were hoping to sk...
Day 315
Selfie time...
We stopped off for a rest on the pistes at this breathtaking view ! Absolutely beautiful ! #selfie #morning #landscape #water #sea #wed...
Day 316
Chasing each other...
The wind was blowing today and the birds were having a ball gliding in it ! They were a whole group playing together ! A pretty...
Day 317
On the train...
This is the reflection in the window of the train we were taking to get back down to our rented apartment... We were shattered after a...
Day 318
Driving home...
The holiday is finished... Sad but we had a lovely time !! #saturday #car #light #road #lights #home #tunnel #grey #driving #february...
Day 319
Washing the clothes...
This is what I always hate after a nice holiday, doing the washing for the whole family. It always feels like I spend the whole...
Day 320
Doing the shopping...
If anybody actually observed me properly today in the shop, they must have thought I was crazy ! I went wooshing through the isl...
Day 321
A quick photo doing a little bit of shopping for my picnic early this morning... #road #tuesday #lights #blue #transportation #tunnel #vi...
Day 322
Spent part of this afternoon at IKEA with my cheeky monkey. These are the false flowers we saw there... #afternoon #food #wednesday #dinner...
Day 323
Chauchy @ sunset...
I had a terrible photographical day today !! I erased so many photos. I did portraits of my pupils, some were great but I need the...
Day 324
Rowers in the background...
The rain that has been pouring down for a few days had stopped this morning. I went down to my "beloved" lake and captured...
Day 325
The show is over...
Went to see a ballet and contemporary dance show tonight with my elder daughter. It was fantastic ! #saturday #evening #colors #cu...
Day 326
We went to Habitat & Jardin and as usual I took my best friend with me : Oly, my camera. This is my best shot today... #sunday #light #la...
Day 327
Rough lake...
It was pouring down with rain this morning. I got soaked with my Oly down near the lake... but oh ! the colors ! They were beautiful !!...
Day 328
Disco droplet...
Had a few minutes at lunch break to capture a droplet of condensation in my drinking bottle... So here's my contribution to this week...
Day 329
Splashing dark...
This is another macro photo for this week's theme. I won't tell you how many photos I shot and erased before getting about ten good...
Day 330
This morning, a part from the doggy walkers, nobody was out near the lake. The light wasn't fantastic but the view with the mist was calmi...
Day 331
Magic tail...
The sun has been out since this morning and during my photo session down at the lake I met a magic swan... ! ;O) #friday #lake #bird #la...
Day 332
My dear coach...
I spent most of the day with my dear coach, @tania ! We spoke about photography and compared our new Oly settings while watching our...
Day 333
We went for a walk in the forest today so I took my fisheye pancake lens which turned one of my mischievous fairies into a giant !!! ;O) #sun...
Day 334
Look at those colors ! The sun will be shining most of this week so I'll be able to make the most of it !!! So here's my friend the duck. He po...
Day 335
Seem to be attracted to birds these days... May be thanks to @craig ?! I shot this one early this morning. I love the colors of the ripples on th...
Day 336
Took this photo this morning and it shows the beauty of the light and the reflections on the lake. It's so soothing... #evening #landscape...