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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 618
We lived
You know those movies with tornadoes, cyclones and shit? It looks pretty exciting. Well it looks exciting on the screen. It looks freaking sc...
Day 653
I decided to redo the yesterdays shot with photos. Not sure yet which I will use in the final version of the film. They both look ok. #friday #af...
Day 707
Golden hour
We took a short walk in the park we don't usually go to. There's so many spots for a perfect golden hour portrait. This is not the best ph...
Day 771
Parking roof
I had a spare minute while waiting on the mall's parking lot and decided to capture the roof over the lot. It looks kind of creepy. And t...
Day 800
I passed the 1000th pic long time ago, but not on tookapic. Here I still have 200 to go. It sounds like a lot to someone who just starts a 365 pro...
Day 1,120
Should I go?
Car parked on a hill, with a view like this. A lightning going through the sky in the middle of the frame would make this image so much c...
Day 1,264
Golden hour
Finally. It's daylight saving time again. The golden hour moved. It feels like proper spring is here. Still about 3-4cm of ice on our pond...
Day 1,266
More reading
Another evening spent together. And another batch of books read. Loved it. Although I now know most of them by heart :P #indoors #portrai...
Day 1,298
Swingin' on my hammock. It's that time of the year again ☀️😎 #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #landscape #light #sun #sky #weather #clou...
Day 1,473
Last days of the beautiful golden autumn colors. It's all rain, cold and fog starting next week. Can't wait :P #october #fall #outdoors #nature...
Day 1,827
Here's to Tookapic. Happy birthday! #theme-tookapic-love
Day 1,927
No snow, but we had some frost and fog this morning.
Day 2,007
Unidentified Floating Object. Just drifting around our pond. Good weather. Smells like proper spring now. I missed it.
Day 2,030
The rocket might be broken. Still fun though.
Day 2,062
So few weeks ago we entered the "dinosaur phase". Pretty much all we talk about is dinosaurs now. My wife got our son these fun "dinosau...
Day 2,067
Someone needs a haircut. Recovering, day 2.
Day 2,078
Nice evening #outdoors.
Day 2,286
We went for a walk in the #woods and it was good. One of these days when I had trouble picking the one single photo. I miss those days.
Day 387
I had to get up at 6 am today. It's all frosty outside at that time. Stopped on my way to the office to shoot some frosty fields. Ended up wit...
Day 448
Just an ordinary snapshot taken during breakfast today. I knew it was going to be a busy day and I still wanted a photo shot during the day....
Day 549
On the right, a photo from a National Geographic photographer - one of the most popular photographer in Poland. My photo parody on the left....
Day 645
A streak pic, I know. But the amount of work that piled up lately is a bit overwhelming. It's almost weekend now, so I'll probably work a bit l...
Day 729
I spent some time downtown today. Talked to few people. Got inspired. A bit. So tomorrow is my last day of my third 365 project (second one on to...
Day 767
I had to turn off "New follower" email notifications for my tookapic account. I woke up to more than 100 of those emails yesterday. It's...