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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 2,058
One sock
Another day, another evening spent jumping on the couch. Exactly one year after was taken 😲
Day 2,208
Beautiful #weather today. Shot some nice 'split-in-half' photos by our #pond, just outside the house.
Day 2,287
Day 431
It's snowing
First proper snowfall this season. It won't last very long, since it's quite warm outside. But it's still nice to watch. #forest #outdoor...
Day 528
Where's spring?
View from our window today. To be honest, I'm tired of winter. #forest #outdoors #nature #afternoon #saturday #landscape #water #tree...
Day 578
Ok, I'd be seriously surprised if it'll snow now. The weather is absolutely amazing and I really hope it'll stay that way for the next few mont...
Day 629
Creative block
A bad case of creative block resulted in a small experiment. There is no photo manipulation used in this pic. I built a little contrapt...
Day 654
Stuffed aubergines
We had the late birthday dinner today. Magda made these amazing stuffed aubergines. This is some serious foodporn right there. Thes...
Day 661
Back seat
Magda, driving us back from a party. We had to leave it before 8 pm. One of the very, very few downsides of having a kid. #saturday #evening...
Day 669
Weird milk
A big day. Wiktor had his first spoon of actual food and looks like he really enjoyed it. #morning #food #sunday #baby #boy #child #eating...
Day 705
Enough working
I've been working on simplifying tookapic. Getting rid of unused elements and unused features. Focusing on the core - running the photo...
Day 747
Instead of writing a review of the RX100 I decided to record it. On video. I got the script ready, some test shots done (I was testing it on...
Day 1,162
It's been a while since the last Fibi photo. I went outside trying to find some nice morning frost to take a pic of. No luck. Everything melt...
Day 1,255
Ok, this is a bit of a streak pic. But on the other hand this photo reflects how I felt that night exactly. I fell asleep on that very couch like...
Day 1,263
Afternoon reading. We spent the whole evening together. Just the boys. And it was a good evening, even though we're both feel a bit under the...
Day 1,279
Reading Buzzing Communities this week. So there's a chance Tookapic will be getting better and better. #evening #monday #computer #drink #tech...
Day 1,353
Fire pit!
I spent the late afternoon in the backyard again. We're almost done with the firepit corner. Just few more minor chores. This will be my new...
Day 1,381
My father owns a car that barely drives anymore. It has almost no floor left and near 400K km on the clock. Somehow it still passes the annual...
Day 1,404
I left my camera in the car today and when I came out to get it in the evening I looked up and saw this. Could not resist. Also, turns out t...
Day 1,620
Om nom nom!
Still waiting. Any day now. Any day. #studio #pregnant #magda
Day 1,653
Quick #streakpic in between work, kids and #life. I don't even know where did the whole week go.
Day 1,821
Afternoon walk
45 minute #walk. New path found. Did some #exploring. #theme-doggos
Day 1,928
Smart notes
Finishing this one. It's not what I expected, but still a very good book. Definitely worth reading. It's more about learning in general th...
Day 1,950
Went for a short walk around the house. Took some streak pics. And yet, I really like this one. I might be slowly getting out of the rut.