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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 75
Old staircase
Last pic from Wroclaw. An old staircase in one of the really old buildings. Driving home right now. It's been a really good weekend. #in...
Day 121
No time
Got like 7 minutes today to take, retouch and publish a pic. No sunlight. No idea. Came up with this quick shot. So.. heeeere's Johnny! Well....
Day 152
So I've been struggling a lot to take a pic today. I had no idea for one. None. And whenever that happens, I experiment. And I do really weird...
Day 218
My take on the silhouettes theme. Uploading today, because I got hammered last night. Bleh. #thursday #outdoors #nature #bird #evening #landsc...
Day 354
That sky!
We went for a nice long walk in the afternoon. I managed to shoot quite a few nice pics. I even took a pic of a squirrel eating a nut or som...
Day 385
The Cake
I was working on a new lighting setup that would simulate ambient light (or daylight). I'm on the right track, I think. The pic was taken in...
Day 551
This is probably more fun for me than for Wiktor. I love the jungle sounds it makes. Not to mention the lighting effects. But seriously, I need to...
Day 583
Today at around 8:30 am I received a phone call. It was from a friend I see every few years. Last time I met him was at my wedding. -- Hey,...
Day 1,282
Setting the alarm
This is my life now, I guess. In bed before 11pm, setting the alarm to 5am. This was actually the first time I was going to get up a...
Day 1,498
Had some extra time this morning so I decided to shoot the daily pic right then and there. Funny, but I totally forgot about it until I grabbed...
Day 1,500
Last rays of sun reaching my home office. The sun now sets at ~15:30 and the golden hour is like 12 minutes :P The forecast says it's going to s...
Day 1,506
Went for a short night drive after work. Did not spot anything special. But I liked how light from the billboard played in this frame. #thu...
Day 1,536
Sugar rush
Sugar rush We went to a cafe we've never been to. The cakes looked so good! Unfortunately they were made of pure sugar and nothing else. None of us ma...
Day 1,599
Need for speed
Chasing the mighty #seicento. Probably the last photo of not me driving. I'll have a break from alcohol for the next 3 or 4 months. #ur...
Day 1,631
Bathroom selfie
Same as a month ago. Something weird happens around the end of the month. #streakpic
Day 1,632
A #streakpic that turned out better than expected. It's lit with just a kitchen ceiling lamp and a green LED bulb in the background.
Day 1,644
It's funny how I don't remember taking those #sunrise photos. I'm so used to shooting in the afternoon that it feels weird to already have the...
Day 1,671
I guess this view is my new "Dead Tree" subject.
Day 1,698
Feeling under the weather. I don't know if I overtrained or if that's just a cold. But it feels like I was hit by a car, and then hit by another...
Day 1,725
What a day!
One of those days that our #son "forgot" how to walk. Ended up cutting the space between his upper lip and nose pretty bad. I had to take...
Day 1,835
Tried to shoot something cool with a manual lens and shallow depth of field. Not an easy task, especially when you're the one #pouring the #cof...
Day 1,870
Went to an #event at Eyedea's place. Met with some #people I haven't talked in a long, long time. Good talks. Good time. Good event. Inspir...
Day 1,958
Waiting to pick up my sister. A #streakpic, but not a painful one :P
Day 2,269
Santa is here!!!