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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 124
Heavy snowfall today. I was really hoping the winter was over. It isn't. This actually might have been one of the heaviest snowfalls this win...
Day 169
Cloudy evening
Stopped on my way home to take another pic of the sunset. Did not expect the clouds to come out that good in the photo. I admit, I pull...
Day 179
Travelling on the back seat doesn't happen very often for me. So I decided to take the opportunity and took this kind of photo. Wife played alo...
Day 238
Look down
My take on the weekly theme. Went to a crowded mall and waited for a moment with as few people as possible. My battery started to die so I c...
Day 337
Blurry noisy bokeh
Shot at ISO 2000 through a dirty windshield. It was simply mpossible to get a clean pic. I really like it though. Not sure why. I g...
Day 360
I decided to finally edit the video from our trip to Zakynthos. I must admit, I'm quite amazed with the footage quality I got from GoPro. 5 da...
Day 368
Found these three in front of our house the other day. I liked the autumn colors. Thought those would look nice in a pic. And they do. #octob...
Day 412
So it begins
I need to clean up the garage, because soon this little car will probably have problems starting up in the morning. #mirror #morning #out...
Day 439
Barber shop
That's what the neon sign says. I couldn't resist not taking a pic of it. I love the red glow around it. #afternoon #wood #monday #wroclaw...
Day 444
Weirdest christmas gift ever. We got a cubic meter of firewood. Hornbeam, to be exact. We've been enjoing the fire for two days now. Great substi...
Day 598
Saturday afternoon
We had another barbecue today. We spent the afternoon in our backyard. This was actually the first time we continued to "party" aft...
Day 608
Can't hide that it's a streak pic. I've been shooting some more footage for the video. Unfortunately the best light is at Wiktor's bath time,...
Day 668
Awesome weather on Friday, warm and sunny Sunday. But of course it had to rain on Saturday when we had the barbecue planned. The rain didn't...
Day 1,398
New book
After finishing "Elements of Scrum", "What Customers Crave" and "Don't Make me Think" on the same day, I picked up "Rework" and that's curren...
Day 1,480
I don't know. Maybe I'm too old. Maybe I'm unable to enjoy a game anymore. But after playing ~6h of Read Dead Redemption II I feel nothing....
Day 1,504
Well, I'm back from the dead I guess. Still feeling under the weather but I'm slowly getting into my normal routine. #afternoon #tuesday #firepla...
Day 1,526
K**** M**
K** M Well. This wasn't the best day. It wasn't even a good one. Not "just" a bad day either. I can't remember the last time I had so many fails durin...
Day 1,527
Late workout
The bad-day-streak continues. Missed the morning workout, had to do it in the evening. Never again. #thursday #night #december
Day 1,562
Exhausted after a very #productive day. Going to bed before 9pm is not unusual for me anymore. #apple #applewatch
Day 1,591
Got inspired by @simonhdma. So now instead of driving everywhere, I just leave the car downtown and walk. Surprising how far you can walk dur...
Day 1,592
#fibi is slowly recovering after the surgery. Looking cool in the Tookapic t-shirt.
Day 1,598
First walk
The vet recommended losing 3kg so I took #fibi for a 30min walk today. It was her first after the surgery. She didn’t die so I guess it’s g...
Day 1,666
Going to a game
Polish Cup finals on the national stadium. Not the most prestigious game, but since our local team is playing in the finals, why not g...
Day 1,688
All four sail mounts screwed in. Unfortunately storm came right before we were ready to hang the sail. And doing that during the storm did no...