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Paweł Kadysz

During my first 365 project I missed a community focused around the idea of daily photo taking. So I created one. That's how tookapic was born. I'm glad you're here! Welcome!
#7 248/365
6 streak
Day 416
Too much wood
We went for a dinner to my parents' house. It's like 6 or 7 kilometers from our house. It's all frosty at our place. And it's still gree...
Day 435
Christmas tree
It's ready earlier this year. Usually, we decorate it on 23rd. #thursday #forest #nature #evening #landscape #water #tree #leaf #christ...
Day 1,601
I really enjoy Daniel H. Pink's #books. This one is about timing. And how time can work in our favor or against us. Good read. #readingnow #book...
Day 1,623
Making Websites Win
Almost done with this one. I've been doing this for more than 15 years. And yet there's so much more to learn in this field.
Day 1,694
The Habit
The only social #website not blocked from my #phone or laptop. #theme-habits
Day 1,709
Dead Tree
Ehh, it's not the same.
Day 1,840
Hey, Apple!
The brand new XR I got few weeks ago randomly stops receiving calls. Just like that. No warning, no nothing. Just f* you from #apple. The...
Day 1,906
End of the year is a busy time for Tookapic. I try to get as many new users who want to do 365 as their new year's resolution as possible. Thi...
Day 1,975
I really wanted to like this game. I loved the first part when I played it years ago, but now I think it’s too much of a time investement. I...
Day 2,176
So here's a soccer practice for 4-year olds and there's me, a creep with a camera shooting pseudo b&w pics from far away. To be fair though,...
Day 2,236
My big headphones are almost dead.
Day 2,242
Streak pic. A painful one.
Day 2,263
Did almost no work that day. It felt good.
Day 2,398
Down with stomach flu.
Day 2,433
Enough of that beard phase. Time to shave it off.
Day 24
Decent breakfast, hot coffee, good music, great blogs. This day is going to be a good day. #indoors #morning #mac #apple #saturday #macbook #...
Day 33
If you run your own business, there's no such thing as long weekend. But at least I can work from home. With three keyboards, two screens, a m...
Day 58
Working from home
See how focused I am? Just one more little project and I'll be all done for this year. And I can't actually believe it. I usually ha...
Day 94
On the road
24 hours spent in the car. Had just a minute to shoot a quick photo. Turned out better than I expected. #afternoon #saturday #car #road #t...
Day 100
Happy 100th photo to me! Not a single day missed. I'm kind of proud of myself. I did my 365 project last year and successfuly completed it in...
Day 102
Perfect breakfast
Wife made these delicious muffins yesterday. Can you think of a more perfect Sunday breakfast than three muffins and a hot coffee? #...
Day 144
Just like every weekend, we took a short walk with our dog. It's nice to see how much fun she has just running around and exploring the forest. #m...
Day 166
I'm working on a side project and I needed a photo of a poster frame. So I set up a simple scene in our office and took some pics. I'm launchin...
Day 197
Bike ride
Last week was my wife's birthday. She got a new bike. There are no more excuses now. For either of us. Today we went for our first bike ride...