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Phillip Flores

I live in Sydney, Australia.
#5 135/365
1 streak
Day 1,115
Day 1,114
Salt and Pepper
Day 1,113
Play Equipment
Day 1,112
Day 1,111
Day 1,110
Converting Family Videos
Finally got around to copying the videos in VHS-C casette tapes to the PC which I have been planning to do for quite sometime...
Day 1,109
Day 1,108
G-Shock Close Up
Day 1,107
Day 1,106
Day 1,105
Bushwalk Start
Day 1,104
Day 1,103
Day 1,102
NSW Heritage Site
I decided to go to this site by train from where I live. The total trip took 3 hours and 15 minutes and then walk for about 25 minut...
Day 1,101
Day 1,100
On A Clear Day
Day 1,099
Coming Storm
After much rumbling sounds of thunder all we got was a brief drizzle.
Day 1,098
Just A Yacht
Day 1,097
Nepean River
Day 1,096
Quiet Time
Phillip finished 365 project #3!
Day 1,095
Day 1,094
Afternoon Playtime
Day 1,093
Crepe Myrtles In Full Bloom
Day 1,092
WWI Howitzer Cannon