bvphotosnap Thank you @Margie :)
Amarnath Shiva Nice example for the theme time
bvphotosnap Thank you @Amarnath :)
My Confetti Moon Cute!
bvphotosnap Thanks @My
Magda Korzewska Wow i had the same idea. I like yours.
bvphotosnap Well you know what they say "minds think alike" Thanks so much!! :) I like yours as well, times flies from when they are little! :)
Tomasz Dolata :) nice trip back in time!!!!
bvphotosnap Thank you @Tomasz :)
Hanna Gawrychowska cool idea but time passes so quickly
bvphotosnap I totally agree....if time passed slower then the bad times would linger too long, so I guess we have to take the good with the bad :)
Margie This makes me feel sentimental. Nice photo.