craig Such a creative shot!
jokele Great tags: monster, dinosaur - you forgot "beast" ;-)
vera Hahaha! Fantastic! Thank you Satoshi for the "echo"... Beautiful presentation, instrument and pic! Is it yours? :-)
Satoshi T Yes, it is same as "Measureing tool rather than camera". Usually it used on 1 tripod, but I use 2 tripods for represent to curved dynosaurs! Thank you @vera . I got imagenation from your pic!
vera You're welcome! You made a nice association of ideas, and that's very good for creativity ;-) The camera looks really like an animal! :-)
My Confetti Moon Stunning light against that magnificent blue! Wonderful tech theme!!
Joost van Halm I agree with everyone here: very nice lighting, also a very creative way to picture the camera.
Grace haha awesome dinosaur!
120mr So great composition!
Roman Czarny The miracle of technology in a great light