Jaydee light and shade -marvellous
Ian Prince Yeh, I had to look it up :) Great photo, and congrats on 250 :)
Ian Prince Interesting how you @Patryk @pejotl and I all shot our 250th photo yesterday in black-and-white! Quite a coincidence...
Kevin Drum That is crazy. I definitely prefer black-and-white if I can manage it.
Ian Prince Wouldn't a black-and-white theme of the week be cool? ;) Hint, hint @Paweł ;)
Robert de Bock Indeed, starting to do black and white more and more. Just finished a few photos, 1 was color and I literally think: "I don't know, what does color really add to the image?".
Well spotten @Ian !
Kevin Drum Your black-and-white portraits are fantastic, Robert.
Joel G Mwakasege Jr. Wow, now this is minimalism at it's best. ☺️
Andrew E Weber niiiiice