WK Fan Looks very professional, the most amazing thing is: the small lamp can shine!
azral the lights of small lanterns! amazing!
RY Wang sooooooo cute!
Grace wow thats amazing! so tiny
m_rudziewicz wow, that's really impressive Satoshi!
Katrina Yu
I'm utterly in love with the details of this Satoshi. Japanese are all so meticulous and absolutely creative.
I was also playing earlier with my little cousins a mini Japanese toy: Poppin' Cookin - tinypic.com/r/jqmekp/9
Anne Woooow! Amazing!
Rohini Wow! Wow! Wow!
Piotr Wow !!!!!!! Amazing !!!
120mr Lovely!
aretzky masterpiece!
Kazzi You're a master of tiny works, Satoshi-sensei.
Margie This is just perfectly you! Beautifully done and so intriguing.
Ana Wow
Mouhsine Idrissi That's amazing Satoshi