freyr Thanks! I hope so and I slowly start thinking about the next 365 :D
Roman Czarny Congratulations Freyr
freyr Thank you Roman!
Kazzi What's this? it's so dark... but my curiosity burns... :D
freyr Hah, it's very bad lava-lamp try :D I was very tired and I took a nap which was a bil longer than I wanted. I woke up at 11:55 PM with a thought "Oops, I don't have my anniversary photo", so I thought that maybe lava-lamp will give some nice effects. As we all see... it didn't :D Or at least my skills are too basic for that (;
freyr Thanks! I'll do that next time when I'll be home and have access to the lamp (:
jokele I will see the result :)
bvphotosnap Congrats on 300! 65 will go fast ☺