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Alek Jedliński These colors are truly wonderful, good thing you dared to use them :)

Katrina Yu Thank you @Alek. You're right, colors are truly wonderful. I've been trying to fit in with the desaturated look that seems to be popular nowadays but always feel like it doesn't suit me. So it's time to experiment with something else... :D

Thanks for the visit and comment Alek! Appreciate the kind words!

fotoagrafka So energetic!

Katrina Yu Thank you! Fascinating to have the colors dictate the mood of the photo isn't it? :D

fotoagrafka So, didn't you feel energetic by taking this picture? :D

Katrina Yu Héhé, you got me. It was a long day and all I felt when I took this was "finally, it's my alone time". It was just me, the quiet, and everything peaceful. No bursting of energy at all or any high. 😄

Kateli I love the bright colors !!! Go for it !!

Urszula Stachowicz I just saw 'before' and I can't decide which I like more. :D Well, I love both. ;)