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jewels Oh, I hope your dog feels better @Katrina ! We love them so much our four-legged companions! Nice photo by the way, impressed you managed it despite the incident!

Katrina Yu Thank you, Jewel. This was taken before the incident happened.
But few days passed already, the blood works came back okay but she is still convulsing and foaming at her mouth. I'm shifting doctors to gather more opinions. Sighh Our four-legged companions really tug at our heart strings. Hope you're well!! :)

Satoshi T I hope Chamba feels better...

Margie Hope your doggie is ok.

Urszula Stachowicz That sounds really scary, but I've read an update- glad she's better. :) And you are brave: still cutting despite injury. :D

Katrina Yu Thank you Urszula. She's still not out of the woods. We sent her to the animal hospital because she was convulsing really bad every few minutes and it was really really scary to witness.
I hope she can survive this. It was so hard these two days watching her. 😞

And, one must persevere with the cutting 💪🏼 haha
But I'm done with it today (I run out of cardboards at the storage too) hahaha

Urszula Stachowicz Yeah, I know how it hurts when you watch your helpless animal... Wish you two strenght!