Paweł Te Thanks a lot Magda:) Today I managed to take some really cool photos (I think) and I had to make a hard decision which one to throw. But I guess I chose well:)
Magda Korzewska maybe you can upload rest to insta?
Paweł Te I've planned to leave them as a back-up in a case of no-idea-day, but why not☺now I'm away from computer, but i'll try to do it maybe tomorrow☺
Magda Korzewska No way! One photo a day, everyday. Those You need to keep in the comp. or publish somewhere else :)
Paweł Te Hahaha little misunderstanding had happened☺ I meant just an idea of pic to be potentially repeated in a case of no-idea-day😀😀 ouppps!
Magda Korzewska Uffffff
Szymon Łupieżowiec Świetne!
Paweł Te Dzięki wielkie Szymon!☺
Magda Korzewska I am happy to save star for you