Szymon Maciejczyk dzięki :)
Krystian Łupieżowiec Świetne!
Szymon Maciejczyk dziękuję
Viola Kuniej piękna sarenka!
Szymon Maciejczyk thank you very much :)
Magda Korzewska Great light, Beautiful woman, what I miss a bit is sharpness in left eye/eyelashes. Very artistic portrait, well Done.
Szymon Maciejczyk I think exactly the same about the eye, but it was a quick one and I saw this in lightroom. Thank you for your comment ! always happy to hear some criticism
Magda Korzewska I have started the photography school last month. The first thing I was told, that I should learn to close my light lens when taking a portrait photo. I used to take photo on 1,8-2.0 F but was told to close to 3.2 at least and. It works very well,
Szymon Maciejczyk yeah I know that but when you take a camera for 3 minutes a day it is hard to remember everything. Most lenses are not sharp when wide open, I've also heard few times.
Kazzi Ależ piękne przepiękne!
Szymon Maciejczyk dzięki :D
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