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Bruce Great image, Katrina :-). I find Google Translate to be hit and miss, but most people get the idea I'm trying to convey :-). Fantastique que vous apprenez le français :-).

Katrina Yu Thank you always, Bruce!! I'm not sure if you Google Translated or you know French too because it reads super fine to me. :D :D I've always been fascinated with learning languages especially how something can be funny in their language yet loses the humor when translated.

Bruce Canada is a bilingual country so I took French up until Grade 12. Mais je ne l'utilise pas du tout en Amérique.

vera Bravo Katrina! J'aime beaucoup!😊 un peu d'exercice en français ...😜

Katrina Yu Merci infiniment Vera!! Je suis contente tu es aimes. Un exercice de français est toujours utile!! :D :D <3

craig Love the image! I was laughing at the thought of you going somewhere with half wet hair! :D. Félicitations pour le Français, ma deuxième langue est google translate.

Katrina Yu Thank youuuuu, Craig! Well, I put it in a bun to be less of a crazy person walking around. haha, but it was weird because only you are hyper-aware that only half is damp while others have no idea. Like carrying a secret. ;)

I laughed so much at the Google translate joke. It is helpful but I got really conscious of it when some of the Chinese translation is weird. Weird in a sense that it's grammatically correct but it's not spoken like that. You know, language trends. haha

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Katrina Yu Thank you, Beata. Behance is the place to be! The amount of creatives there is just....*boom* mind blown. I'm not even half as amazing as the minds I follow there. And Hitrecord too, where people would remix something from your work? Such an awesome feeling. Plus it's such a warm community where everyone put work together and publish books, videos etc2. Absolutely amazing. I know you shun social media right now but they're different because people don't show off. You should check them out!

Ian Forbes Great image I love the rain effect.

Katrina Yu Thank you, Ian!! Rain is always a fascinating medium! :D

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