Joe Fortin Hey there @azumac,
Mute Opera is a team building exercise we do; I'm not sure where the name comes from.
The group of ten is divided into two teams of five. Each team as one "Warrior", one "Conductor", and three members of the "Chores".
The Warrior (who is blind folded) must accomplish a Great Task (in this photo they had to rescue a toy, put on a helmet, put on a vast, grab a pool noodle, and finally tap their opponent with the noodle).
The Conductor (who must stand with their back to Warrior) give verbal instructions for the Warrior to follow.
The Chores (who can see the action, but cannot talk), must communicate to the Conductor what the Warrior needs to do.
azumac Thanks for the description! Very interesting. Is it the Chores (or Chorus?) that create the mute opera? It must be very interesting to watch.
Joe Fortin Ya....spelling was off. It is in fact "Chorus".
azumac Now that makes sense! ;-D
azumac A curious concept