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v agnès Oh Jazzie, I’m so sorry and happy at the same time. Thank you for your wonderful words♥️

jazzie Merci ❤️

noun Waw!! Like v agnes, I’m so sorry and happy, I have no word to say how you touch me. Take care and I wish you the best ! Thanks 😘😘

jazzie Thank you ❤️

Magda Korzewska Anja hope it is gone for good. Thank you for sharing your story, I send a lot of good energy to You ❤️

jazzie Thank you, Magda ❤️ It looks really good!

agnieszka bladzik stay strong, wishing you a lot of health <3

jazzie Thank you ❤️ I see that you browsed through my pics to find some of the signs I left, thanks for that too!

myno Anja, ton histoire me boulverse, j'espère revoir des photos de "bra" de toutes les couleurs les années à venir!! Que ta belle énergie te porte au delà de ce sombre passage. ♡

jazzie Merci 🤗

radzikmr Knowing this story, this photo is complete like no other, thank you for having the courage to share it. I don't have stars today :). i'll be back ;)

jazzie Thank you! I thought it was right to share it, but it was difficult to find an idea for a pic that didn't go too far for me

radzikmr Star went as promised ☺️, thanks.

120mr Take care! And thank you for the photo.

jazzie Thank you 🤗

Natho Merci pour votre temoignage touchant. Je suis heureuse que cette épreuve difficile soit terminée et surtout que vous vous sentiez bien maintenant.
Stay strong et croquez la vie à pleines dents.
Je vous souhaite aussi plein de jolis bras de toutes les couleurs et remplis de fleurs 🌸 🌸 🌸

jazzie Merci beaucoup 🥰

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