Kazzi Constructive criticism: focus is a bit too close, it should be on the eye. I'd open the aperture a bit more, even at the cost of higher ISO.
But still a good photo! :)
Hanna Gawrychowska
thanks for your advice - I'll consider ...
.... but I wanted to focus on the feathers not on the eye
Kazzi Don't take me wrong - i felt tempted by Your request of constructive criticism :)
Hanna Gawrychowska
it's OK
I think you're right with that eye
and once more - thank you for your advice -> I'm still learning and I need advices
Kazzi so do I, so we all do :)
Satoshi T If you want to focus feather, fast shutter is better. but I like the shape!
Hanna Gawrychowska
thanks Satoshi - you are right
only now I can see shutter should be faster
els Nice shot
Hanna Gawrychowska thanks
Roman Czarny Doskonałe ujęcie ( a jeszcze niedawno ktoś narzekał na możliwości robienia takich zdjęć - może po prostu musiałaś na nie poczekać ;-) ) - NIC DODAĆ NIC UJĄĆ
Hanna Gawrychowska dziękuje - może ptaki mi odpuściły a może po prostu w Parku Oliwskim ptaki oswoiły się z obecnością ludzi
Satoshi T Morning grooming. It seems move very fast.