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Highlands East

309 photos
1 follower
Day 1,156
Setting Sun
Just a picture of an icicle.
Day 1,255
So. Many. Mosquitoes.
No time, sadly, for foxes today. Did have time for my doctor recommended daily physical activity. The best $50.00 I've spent in...
Day 1,470
Training Too
Doing better today... not much... but better. Still frustrated with work and kinda wish I was able to just take off. Winning the lotto wo...
Day 1,797
Love my little birds.
This morning, while filling the feeders, I got mobbed by five Chickadees. (They were a little pissed I was 90 minutes late getti...
Day 2,005
That time if the year again.
Out checking for a trail access point. Deer flies are still deadly. Not as an intimidating a photo as years previous, but...
Day 737
Car vs Tree
Icy roads on the way home last night. Was surprised by a downed tree around a corner. Brakes did nothing so it was through the crown inste...
Day 741
Cell Phone Self
I lost my jacket and keys over the weekend. Spent an hour or so running around site looking for it. Minus twenty (no wind thank goodne...
Day 911
Heather takes aim
Group photo time! Heather was handed the client's pretty DSLR and told to take a picture. And she did! #outdoors #nature #afternoon...
Day 918
Sign of the Times
Hot times, summer in the county. Please... Use Your Heads; Don't Be a Dumbass. #outdoors #nature #afternoon #landscape #road #tuesda...
Day 979
Tree ID
I needed to make a quiz for some students today. Couldn't remember the difference between Red and Hard maples. Whelp, time for a quick picture...
Day 1,120
Today was all about paperwork. Just like every other day it seems. While the photo doesn't do it justice, there is an oak tree out my window that keep...
Day 1,124
Mid-Moring Coffee and Phone Calls
Trying to get a family doctor. Found one that'll take me on as a patient. Seems like a good guy (very relaxed, not a...
Day 1,136
Capture One, Day One
Recently downloaded Capture One as my go to for RAW processing. It's not that Lightroom is a bad piece of software (I enjoy it qu...
Day 1,328
Day Off Outfit
Checklist for an overcast day off: ☑Hawaiian Shirt, ☑Lens Coffee Mug, ☑CBC Day Six Ya... I've used the mug before, but it is a really i...
Day 1,368
I'm ready. Are you?
I'm ready. Are you? It often feels like I'm fighting a one man war against apathy and disengagement. Every election cycle I try to gently, but enthusi...
Day 1,546
Or than again... maybe not.
I've been Physical Distancing for about a week now. The only face-to-face conversations I've had are with the two Maintena...
Day 2,490
Random Sign
Someone was up to something this weekend. Found this sign about a kilometre from the gate (or 4km from the highway). There was also a blue...
Day 774
Friday Night's all Right
Got the kids together for a session of D&D. Let the nerd times roll! #indoors #friday #office #evening #desk #computer #lapto...
Day 1,019
Now with a Chair
Bought me a new chair yesterday. Even built it myself. Did you know that putting the back on a Staples Gaming Chair is bloody hard. #...
Day 1,067
Not going very far.
Our gator is getting some work done. The engine is off to get looked at; something seized or something like that. In the meantime...
Day 1,257
Not the most impressive of plants, but this is one that I always look forward to seeing each spring.
Day 1,302
Didn't Poke It...
But I certainly cracked it open.
Day 1,303
Watching some American reality TV with the kids. During commercials I get out and do my steps. One lap (down to the maintenance yard and back is...
Day 1,312
Leadership Olympics: Aftermath
Was out in the field today. Grab a quick pick of a shaving creamed colleague after a few passionate rounds of Cheese He...